
Ivanka Trump Backs Organization Helping Churches in Ukraine Become 'Literal Lighthouses'


CityServe, a nonprofit supported by former first daughter Ivanka Trump, is turning churches in Ukraine into lighthouses of warmth and hope amid the devastation of war.

CityServe CEO Dave Donaldson told The Western Journal that the group is currently pushing is to get as many generators into Ukraine as possible.

Russian President Vladimir Putin “weaponized the winter” by targeting the country’s electrical grid, Donaldson explained.

“We literally have hundreds of generators that are now set up in churches that are literal lighthouses, and we’re trying to raise more money. It’s only $5,000 for a generator, and you think about that. In the midst of all the darkness and coldness, we can light up these churches and people like in Kherson are flocking to them,” he said.

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Donaldson was just in Kherson in eastern Ukraine in January, about 15 miles from the Russian front, he said.

“I was there speaking at a church. This is a church we had lit up with our generators, a place of refuge. Literally you have people from all over that area flocking to that church because of the heat, the light, but also the hope,” he said. “But while I was speaking, the bombs were dropping outside.”

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Donaldson said Trump has paid for some of the generators.

CityServe originally worked during her father President Donald Trump’s administration on the Farmers to Families Food program. It was a relief effort to families in need in the U.S. during COVID-19 pandemic. CityServe distributed over 17 million food boxes to needy families.

Ivanka got on board with Ukraine last year, paying for 1 million meals for war refugees, Donaldson said.

CityServe then shipped another million meals. A third million meals was packed by students at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix in the fall and will ship this month.

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Trump traveled to Poland in May to meet those displaced by the war.

“Ivanka has been so generous. We hosted her in Krakow, Poland, not too far from the Czech Republic border. Her mom was raised there, a citizen of the Czech Republic. So it’s very close to her heart,” Donaldson said.

Ivanka Trump meeting with pastors in Poland – May 2022

“She spent the whole day with these refugee families, just loving on them. And she asked me if she could go into Warsaw to be with the pastors. So she literally joined us for part of the pastors’ gathering,” he added. “She encouraged them, she inspired them. She listened to their stories.”

“She is a gracious woman. A woman filled with compassion,” Donald said. “We’re all inspired by her.”

Ivanka said at the time, “Over the past few days, I spent time with dozens of Ukrainian families who have sought refuge in Krakow and Warsaw, Poland.”

“Along with my friends and partners from CityServe, City of Destiny, Intercessors for Ukraine, and Compassion Services International, we heard incredible stories of strength and resilience. Thankful for the local and Ukrainian ministry leaders who have provided so much compassion and support to families suffering amid this crisis.”

CityServe is partnering with churches in the region to provide over 100,000 hot meals a day to refugees, as well as shelter and building a family trauma center in Kyiv to help men, women and children dealing with the psychological wounds of war.

“America is great because of our compassion,” Donaldson said, “but Putin is counting on compassion fatigue — that after a year, we are no longer moved by the plight of these people. We’re no longer moved to pray and to generously give.”

Those who want to contribute or learn more about CityServe can do so here.

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Randy DeSoto has written more than 3,000 articles for The Western Journal since he began with the company in 2015. He is a graduate of West Point and Regent University School of Law. He is the author of the book "We Hold These Truths" and screenwriter of the political documentary "I Want Your Money."
Randy DeSoto wrote and was the assistant producer of the documentary film "I Want Your Money" about the perils of Big Government, comparing the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama. Randy is the author of the book "We Hold These Truths," which addresses how leaders have appealed to beliefs found in the Declaration of Independence at defining moments in our nation's history. He has been published in several political sites and newspapers.

Randy graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point with a BS in political science and Regent University School of Law with a juris doctorate.
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