
Classified Docs Case Gets Worse for Biden as It's Uncovered Who Was Donating to Home of His Think Tank


In addition to leading a federal tax probe into Hunter Biden, Maryland-based U.S. Attorney David Weiss has been asked by a watchdog group to look into several eyebrow-raising anonymous China-originated donations to the University of Pennsylvania.

According to the New York Post, the Virginia-based National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC), a government watchdog outfit, wants to know about several donations made in 2018, which is when the prestigious university opened a Biden-centric think tank called the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, or Penn Biden Center for short.

The watchdog group filed a 12-page complaint in October 2020, in which it asked Weiss to “investigate the Truman National Security Project, the University of Pennsylvania and its Penn Biden Center to determine whether they violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act for engaging in political activities on behalf of Burisma and Chinese interests.”

“We’ve asked … Weiss to pursue the larger network of individuals and institutions who benefited from millions doled out by foreign interests connected to Hunter Biden’s work in China and Ukraine,” NLPC Tom Anderson said, according to the Post.

The NLPC believes the donations to UPenn “may have been earmarked to promote Chinese interests and thus trigger registration as foreign agent,” according to its news release.

News of the watchdog’s request has become highly relevant once again as President Joe Biden faces increasing scrutiny over a batch of classified documents discovered at the Penn Biden Center.

The sheer volume of communist Chinese cash donated to the home of the Penn Biden Center is astronomical.

From 2014 through the summer of 2019, the Ivy League school collected a whopping $54.6 million in donations from China. Some $23.1 million of that total came from anonymous donations, which poured in beginning in 2016.

Notably, a sizeable chunk of the anonymous Chinese donations came after the university announced the formation of the Penn Biden Center in 2017. Biden, who had just finished his White House term with former President Barack Obama, was named the leader of the UPenn-based think tank.

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Perhaps the most fascinating tidbit from the report is that the anonymous Chinese donors seemed especially interested in transferring large donations in 2018, which happened to be the same time the Penn Biden Center officially opened its doors. That year, a $14.5 million anonymous donation was received, with a total of $15.8 million in anonymous Chinese donations received.

While it can’t be confirmed that the Penn Biden Center was the direct recipient of any of the funds, anonymous or identified, the timing has many interested parties extremely curious.

It should be noted that many of the Chinese donations were received during a time when Hunter Biden was wheeling and dealing across the globe, with what seemed to be a particular interest in making deals with communist China, likely using his powerful, politically-connected father to seal those shady transactions.

“U.S. Attorney Weiss should pursue the larger Biden family influence-selling operation without any political pressure from the Merrick Garland Justice Department,” said NLPC’s counsel Paul Kamenar, who drafted the original complaint.

Stephen MacCarthy, a University of Pennsylvania spokesman, denied that the Penn Biden Center ever received donated funds, the Post reported.

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“The Penn Biden Center has never solicited or received any gifts from any Chinese or other foreign entity. In fact, the University has never solicited any gifts for the Center,” McCarthy said.

While he remained firm in his denials, the Post noted that McCarthy wouldn’t detail how the Chinese donations were used at the university.

Some on social media have raised questions regarding the recent discovery of classified documents in a closet at the Penn Biden Center, wondering if those classified documents might have been placed there for more ominous reasons.

“Were the Biden classified docs found at Penn U guarded 24/7, who had access? Why did Penn receive 54 million from Chinese donors and did they have access to the docs? Biden was VP and had NO declassification authority, TRUMP DID. Who’s the criminal? #BidenClassifiedDocuments,” one Twitter user wrote.

While it’s probably a little too early to travel too far down that road, there are clearly a growing number of questions that need answers. The American public has a right to know.

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Ryan Ledendecker is a former writer for The Western Journal.
Ryan Ledendecker is a former writer for The Western Journal.
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