
Home Invaders Shoot Outnumbered Homeowner, He Returns Fire and Sends Them Both to an Early Grave


As Democrats rabidly try to erode Americans’ Second Amendment right to self-defense, another chilling incident affirms once again that a good guy with a gun is the best antidote to an armed bad guy.

On Thursday, two gunmen who invaded a house in Carbon Hill, Alabama, were shot dead by the armed homeowner, WIAT-TV in Birmingham reported.

The homeowner, who was shot multiple times and injured when gunfire was exchanged during the burglary, is now recovering after surgery.

“When I arrived on scene, I noticed there were two subjects dead inside the home,” Carbon Hill Police Chief Antoine Cobb said, according to WIAT. “They had ski masks on.”

According to Cobb, another person who was in the house during the home invasion is shaken up but is unhurt.

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The deceased suspects have been identified as Dewayne Turner Jr. and Clifton Embry, both 47 and from Talladega County, reported.

The Walker County Sheriff’s Office said a woman who had helped Embry and Turner carry out the home invasion and robbery had been charged.

Paula Charlene Painter, 54, was charged with two counts of felony murder, one count of attempted murder and one count of first-degree robbery, reported.

Councilwoman Cindy Killingsworth expressed alarm that such a violent crime had rocked her small, collegial community.

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“You don’t expect anything of this magnitude and this horrific to happen in this small town where most people are close-knit and loving,” Killingsworth told WIAT.

Several Facebook users reacted by decrying the terrifying crime spikes unfolding across the United States.

“This isn’t just a Carbon Hill problem, home invasions, drive bys and so much more are going on everywhere,” one Facebook user wrote. “The world is getting crazier by the day. This just hits a little closer to home.”

Another commenter wrote: “They got what they deserved. Even if they go to jail or prison, they will be back out to do it again!! Sorry NOT SORRY!!”

Still another Facebook user remarked: “Maybe if y’all would do something about all the dope heads walking the streets all hours the day and night this stuff wouldn’t happen.”

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The Alabama home invasion is the latest in a string of incidents spotlighting the importance of the Second Amendment — especially now, as the nation is roiled by a catastrophic crime wave, thanks to the left’s reckless demonization of police and soft-on-crime policies.

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Ironically, as crime skyrockets, Democrats are making an aggressive push for more gun control.

All this does is restrict the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans. Criminals don’t follow the law anyway and always manage to get their hands on a gun.

Want proof? Just look at the gun slaughters that occur every weekend in the Democrat-run city of Chicago, which has among the strictest gun control laws in the country.

Where is the left-wing outrage over the epidemic of senseless violence metastasizing across the country? There isn’t any, because it doesn’t fit the race-hustling left’s anti-Second Amendment narrative.

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