
Americans Send Biden a Resounding Message About His Policy on Gender Treatments for Minors


The vast majority of American voters are against permanent “gender transition” treatments for minors, according to a new poll despite the Biden administration’s endorsement of these procedures.

The poll, released Tuesday, found that 90% of respondents who had an opinion on the subject believed minors should not be allowed to undergo permanent “gender transition” procedures, in stark opposition to Biden’s position.

The poll surveyed 1,000 likely voters from April 22-26 and was conducted by McLaughlin and Associates along with Summit Ministries.

President Joe Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services endorsed “gender-affirming care” for children and adolescents, including irreversible treatments such as cross-sex hormones and surgeries, on March 31. United States Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra told a Senate committee that children should decide for themselves whether to get sex change operations May 4.

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Most respondents were out of step with the Biden administration on several other transgender issues.

Then-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki condemned a Florida bill banning gender identity and sexual orientation lessons in kindergarten through third grade in March, but approximately three-quarters of respondents with an opinion on the subject opposed teaching elementary-aged children about sexual identity and behavior, the poll found.

Respondents opposed transgender ideology generally: 93% of respondents said it was possible to tell the difference between a man and a women, and 64% thought transgenderism was an unhealthy condition, the survey found.

Do you think children should be allowed to undergo permanent "gender transition" procedures?

“Everywhere Americans look, the media and education culture is bombarding us with relentless, daily messages in support of transgenderism without limits,” said Dr. Jeff Myers, President of, in a statement.

“Despite this intensity, these stunning numbers show plainly that the vast majority of Americans aren’t buying what they’re being sold. A huge majority of Americans — for example — don’t think this issue belongs anywhere near our kids.”

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A version of this article appeared on the Daily Caller News Foundation website.

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