
Video: 'COVID Conscious' Biden Coughs Into Hand, Then Shares His Germs with the Front Row


In the latest example of his bottomless hypocrisy and floundering mental acuity, President Joe Biden coughed into his hand and then recklessly shook hands with members of the public without wearing a mask on Monday.

The Democrat committed the unsanitary gaffe following a speech in Kearney, New Jersey, where he touted his $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan and his $3.5 trillion social welfare extravaganza, euphemistically cloaked as a “human infrastructure” bill.

Alarming videos show the supposedly COVID-conscious Biden — who turns 79 next month — mindlessly touching his mouth with his hand and then spreading his germs to attendees in the front row by shaking their hands, all while not wearing a mask.

The Biden administration and countless health experts have browbeaten Americans to wear masks in public and to not touch their mouths or noses in order to stem viral spread in the midst of a pandemic.

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Despite the oppressive coronavirus restrictions he scolds everyone else to follow, the career politician openly flouted his own rules, endangering the health of the audience members with whom he came into close contact.

Imagine the media outrage if former President Donald Trump had done this. We’d never hear the end of the left-wing screeching.

Twitter users slammed Biden for his blatant hypocrisy and negligence. One person mocked him as “Super Spreader Biden.”

Another Twitter user remarked that Biden’s germ-sharing gesture was “gross” and “so dirty” even if we weren’t in the middle of a pandemic.

After all, he could easily spread cold or flu germs to unsuspecting people.

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Numerous other commenters simply said Biden looked clueless and confused, as usual.

To further spotlight his questionable mental fitness, Biden made another head-scratching verbal blunder.

“As one computer said, ‘If you’re on the train and they say Portal Bridge, you know you better make other plans,'” he said.

The incoherent flub ignited more ribbing on Twitter.

“I mean, Biden can’t even read his teleprompter now,” Outkick’s Clay Travis tweeted. “This just keeps getting more embarrassing.”

Another commenter said the one silver lining to the “dystopian nightmare” we’re living in is the comic relief.

By now, it’s obvious that Biden and other Democrats follow an unspoken code of “rules for thee but not for me.”

It’s bad enough that countless Americans are suffering due to the multiple crises Biden has inflamed with his inept leadership and destructive policies.

The United States is buckling under the weight of crushing hyperinflation, the border disaster, oppressive mandates and a harrowing supply-chain crisis that’s disrupting people’s lives.

Adding sanctimonious double standards to the mix is a recipe for disaster.

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