
Reporter Discovers 'Thousands' in Kabul Still Attempting to Flee, Including US Citizens and Green Card Holders


Thousands of people are still seeking to flee Afghanistan, including Americans, more than three weeks after the Biden administration pulled U.S. military forces from the Taliban-controlled nation.

“Thousands of people are still trying to flee Taliban-controlled Afghanistan,” Fox News foreign correspondent Trey Yings wrote in a Twitter post on Thursday.

“U.S. Green Card holders. People who live and pay taxes in the United States are trapped.

“We met a man today who runs two businesses in Atlanta. He’s stuck with his family right now in Kabul,” he added.

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“We also talked to a group of former U.S. embassy workers,” Yingst added in another tweet.

“They are still in Kabul, despite promises they would be evacuated,” he added.

Especially concerning was Yingst’s report that U.S. citizens remain trapped in the country.

“There are still U.S. citizens here as well. The daughter of that man from Atlanta has a U.S. passport,” Yingst tweeted.

“We’ve met multiple American passport holders still in Kabul. Some made it out on Qatari flights, others did not,” he said.

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Yingst’s latest video featured one man with a green card seeking help to escape Afghanistan.

The report follows news last week of an elderly California couple who is returning home after being trapped in Afghanistan for weeks following the U.S. military’s departure from the country, according to California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa.

“This is a cause for celebration and the result of almost countless hours of work under very difficult conditions,” Issa said in a statement.

“Our team simply would not give up, and today it paid off and we got them home.”

The names of the couple are reportedly being withheld at the family’s request due to fear of violence toward relatives who remain in Afghanistan.

Issa’s office said it has helped 33 Americans and holders of American visas to escape Afghanistan.

“While we have made extraordinary progress, but we’re not stopping until everyone comes home,” Issa said.

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Dillon Burroughs reports on breaking news for The Western Journal and is the author or co-author of numerous books.
Dillon Burroughs reports on breaking news for The Western Journal and is the author or co-author of numerous books. An accomplished endurance athlete, Burroughs has also completed numerous ultramarathons. He lives in Tennessee with his wife and three children.

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