
Watch: Chaos Errupts at Target as Man Attacks Woman for Not Wearing Mask


In recent months, the Biden administration has continually blamed unvaccinated people for the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, everyday citizens feel the need to harass anyone who does not submit to the authoritarian federal government.

In a video posted to Twitter on Thursday, one man inside a Target store, in an unknown location, took it upon himself to publicly chastise a customer who was not wearing a mask.

The video was taken by the woman being harassed, and it began with her explaining that the man had been following her around the store as she pointed the camera at him.

“You’re not going to follow me around in the store and point at me to people,” she said. “So I will video you.”

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The man then started to parrot leftist talking points about the state mask regulation, and he attempted to bolster his credibility by claiming his wife is some sort of infectious disease expert.

“So my wife is a doctor who specializes in infectious disease,” he said. “So, you know, do you think that she just doesn’t know what she’s talking about?”

Of course, the woman never said anything about his wife or her intelligence. She simply decided that she personally did not want to wear a mask, which should be her choice to make.

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As the man continued to approach the woman despite her attempts to back away, other customers began to step in, telling the man to leave her alone. The man protested that the issue was “between the two of us.”

“You’re making a bad decision,” he told the unmasked woman. “You’re a bad American … you’re a bad person.”

As the man continued to act like a toddler, more customers came to the defense of the woman taking the video. Eventually, security had to step in to stop the man.

This is the direct result of language from President Joe Biden and other leftist politicians. In his Sept. 9 speech announcing his likely unconstitutional vaccine mandates for private businesses, Biden essentially blamed the unvaccinated for exercising their freedoms.

“We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin,” he said. “And your refusal has cost all of us.”

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Inflammatory language like this has real-world consequences. On Aug. 27, a professor at Penn State University allegedly attacked a student protesting against vaccine mandates, The Epoch Times reported.

The student was identified as Avi Rachlin, the leader of an anti-mask and vaccine mandate group called Penn State Resistance. The Times said he was “escorted away by campus police with blood on his face, likely as the result of the incident.”

If Biden continues to demonize unvaccinated Americans, attacks like these two will most likely become more commonplace. After all, if you really think someone is responsible for a large number of deaths, what would stop you from harassing or even attacking that person?

While Biden claims we must all fight the pandemic together, he turns around and blames his political opponents for it. The result is a country falling deeper and deeper into a political divide.

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Grant is a graduate of Virginia Tech with a bachelor’s degree in journalism. He has five years of writing experience with various outlets and enjoys covering politics and sports.
Grant is a graduate of Virginia Tech with a bachelor's degree in journalism. He has five years of writing experience with various outlets and enjoys covering politics and sports.

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