
Biden Staffers Obsess Over 'Harry Potter' as Americans Were Trapped by Taliban Terrorists in Afghanistan


Members of the Biden administration this week were obsessing over “Harry Potter” as American citizens remained abandoned in Afghanistan and people across the U.S. suffered under crushing inflation and the threat of additional COVID mandates, according to a report.

Members of the administration are, of course, known for being tone-deaf, crass, out-of-touch and entitled to spending other people’s money. In fact, President Joe Biden’s entire approach to governance has had an inept, snooty feel to it.

Now we might have some greater insight into as to why.

Biden’s inner circle couldn’t care less about suffering, rising prices at the gas pump or Americans stranded in dangerous countries. According to chatter from Politico’s West Wing Playbook, the people tasked with running the country were more concerned with children’s books about sorcery and spirit animals than they were about real-world matters of life and death this week.

“Some people in the Biden administration are huge Harry Potter fans,” Politico’s Alex Thompson and Allie Bice noted in the “Playbook,” which tracks the “latest policy developments” and “intriguing whispers percolating inside the West Wing.”

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The Politico reporters noted that “a group of staffers on the White House press team have taken [their love of Harry Potter] to a new level: taking an online test to determine the form of their patronus.”

A patronus, per Politico, is one’s “magic spirit animal” in the Potter universe.

“Assistant press secretary Emilie Simons took it upon herself to post pictures of the press team’s patronuses in a collage above her desk in the West Wing,” Politico reported.

Rapid response director Mike Gwin is “a bald eagle,” while deputy press secretary Andrew Bates is “a black stallion.”

Do you think things will get worse under Biden?

If this makes you feel any more comfortable while you’re paying more for groceries this week, assistant press secretary Vedant Patel has discovered his patronus is “an orca whale,” while press assistant Natalie Austin is “a Siberian husky.”

Politico further noted that deputy press secretary Chris Meagher “is technically a bear,” but Simons “changed it to be a picture of a teddy bear dressed as a wizard — wand and all.”

The outlet also teased that it would soon reveal White House press secretary Jen Psaki’s patronus, and wanted those desperate for West Wing chatter to know that “Attorney General Merrick Garland is a Potter-obsessive.”

We can all be thankful Garland never made it to the Supreme Court, but it’s still sobering to learn that the man currently suing Texas on behalf of those who want to kill unborn children is obsessed with Harry Potter. Apparently, all of these people are as out-of-touch as they appear.

These left-wing elitists are presiding over shortages of goods, multiple unsustainable crises — at home and abroad — and an unprecedented erosion of civil liberties. Biden, whose Potter “spirit animal” would probably be a sloth, has taken the country’s strong post-World War II standing and diminished it to mush in a matter of months.

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Biden didn’t need a Potter wand to achieve this. All the inept president needed was an ink pen and a staff and cabinet which is reportedly consumed with 1990s fantasy books for kids. It certainly doesn’t sound like the “adults” are back in charge, as the establishment media has said time and again was the case after Biden moved into the Oval Office.

It actually sounds an awful lot as if these people think everything is fun and games while millions of Americans face intrusive vaccine mandates or losing their jobs after Thursday’s stunning speech from Biden. Here’s some of that speech, in case you missed it:

While the tyrannical White House planned to unleash OSHA on companies that respect their employees’ rights to privacy and medical autonomy this week, its sniveling staff members were involved in exercises involving wizardry.

It’s difficult to imagine something like this occurring in a serious country where people in leadership have their priorities in order. It’s probably safe to assume that Vladimir Putin’s people aren’t playing Pokémon over in Russia, or that China’s Xi Jinping doesn’t have his staff enthralled in Dungeons & Dragons.

Could you image a world where the Taliban had seized control of Kabul, only to have sat down to play Magic: The Gathering? No, the terrorists are on a rampage and are holding Americans hostage on tarmacs.

America’s enemies are champing at the bit to take us down, every minute of every day. Meanwhile, the people whose job it is to look out for your family are quite literally living in a fantasy world.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.

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