
Senator Says Joe Biden Is Showing 'Unprecedented Weakness' with His 'Appeasement of Terrorists'


Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott released a statement on Thursday blasting President Joe Biden’s failed departure from Afghanistan and his efforts to continue strengthening ties with the Taliban.

“It has long been the policy of the United States to not differentiate between evil terrorists, and the governments who support and harbor them. Under the failed leadership of President Joe Biden, that is no longer the case,” Scott said in the statement.

“This week, even after the Taliban announced the appointment of Sirajuddin Haqqani, the leader of the Haqqani Network and a known terrorist who is wanted by the FBI for the murder of American citizens, the Biden administration continued its shameful Taliban appeasement.”

Scott also criticized Biden for leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan, claiming the president showed weakness to the Taliban.

“Even as Americans remain stranded in Afghanistan behind enemy lines, Joe Biden is turning a blind eye while the Taliban show us who they truly are – an evil murderous gang of terrorists,” he said.

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The Florida Republican argued Biden also showed similar weakness to China and is unfit to lead the nation.

“Of course, as Biden shows unprecedented weakness, our enemies, like Communist China are stepping in to take advantage. Every day he continues to show he is shockingly unfit to lead America as commander in chief,” Scott said.

“There is no question that Joe Biden’s misguided decisions and flawed leadership have made the world a more dangerous place,” he added.

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Scott concluded by labeling Biden’s approach un-American.

“His latest appeasement of terrorists is nothing short of un-American and woefully beneath the office and values he is sworn to uphold,” he said.

Earlier Thursday, Scott tweeted about a letter he joined with other Republican senators to find answers and accountability regarding Biden’s botched withdrawal.

“I joined @SenTuberville & my colleagues in a letter urging @SASCDems to join us & hold the Biden admin responsible for its failed Afghanistan withdrawal,” Scott tweeted.

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“13 brave lives were lost & Americans remain dangerously stranded. We need answers & accountability now.”

“President Biden’s complete incompetence, dereliction of duty and failure in Afghanistan resulted in the deadliest day for U.S. troops in over a decade. Now, even as we receive reports of brutal executions, Americans remain stranded and unable to leave Afghanistan and the Taliban names known terrorists to its leadership, Biden’s administration continues to call them a ‘partner,’” Scott said in an earlier statement.

“Joe Biden’s continued weakness and incompetence is unacceptable and shows a lack of fitness to lead as commander in chief. It’s clear we need a full investigation into Biden’s failed withdrawal from Afghanistan, yet our ‘leaders’ in Congress have been shamefully silent.”

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Dillon Burroughs reports on breaking news for The Western Journal and is the author or co-author of numerous books.
Dillon Burroughs reports on breaking news for The Western Journal and is the author or co-author of numerous books. An accomplished endurance athlete, Burroughs has also completed numerous ultramarathons. He lives in Tennessee with his wife and three children.

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