
As Left Attacks July Fourth, Piers Morgan Issues Fiery Warning from Great Britain


English broadcaster, blogger and reporter Piers Morgan published a sobering warning for Americans on Tuesday, two days after the country’s Independence Day division had become apparent.

A year ago, only a few on the far left were willing to trash the country during the celebration of its birth. This past week, the signs of disrespect have been everywhere:

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Many Americans are like a frog right now sitting in a lukewarm pot of water on a stove top. They won’t become aware of what is happening to them until it’s too late. Many of them are good people, such as these folks in Texas:

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We’re living in two distinct Americas, which isn’t lost on Morgan. The Brit, who just seven years ago pleaded for stricter gun-control laws in America, looked at the country after this July Fourth and saw a different country.

“RIP, the United States of America. The country’s name must go, right? I mean, there comes a point where America is so patently DIS-united that it’s no longer appropriate to call itself United,” Morgan wrote Tuesday in the Daily Mail. “And honestly, I think we’re now reaching that point. I say this with nothing but deep dismay and sadness as someone who loves America and everything it is supposed to represent.”

“But when even July 4 has become a day of ferocious contention, ugly rancor and partisan abuse-hurling, as we’ve just witnessed, then it’s very clear America is standing on the edge of a precipice from which it may never recover unless cooler heads prevail,” he added.

“Independence Day has always been the most unifying moment in the American calendar, celebrating the end of British rule.”

Morgan quipped that July Fourth is “not quite such a joyous day for we Brits who tend to keep our heads down and quietly curse King George III for being so feckless in letting such a great country and people slip out of our hands.”

Morgan went on to rip into race baiters Gwen Berry, Vanessa Williams, National Geographic and others who now view our country’s flag as a banner for political affiliation.

“But sometimes, as with racist fireworks, the desire to make something about race is so ridiculous that it will self-evidently only ferment anger and increase disunity,” Morgan wrote in the Daily Mail. “All this comes at a time when the red-blue divide in the US has never seemed more toxic.”

“If Americans can’t even come together on July 4 to celebrate the day the nation was formed, and many choose to denigrate the US anthem and flag, how can the nation still call itself the United States? I don’t want the USA to die. I want it to live up to the spirit of its name. So, stop p*ssin’ on the red, white and blue. Or call it the Disunited States of America and be done with it,” he concluded.

Morgan, long removed from his gig at CNN, gets it. He stayed a liberal with a passion for free thought while the loudest on the left went off the deep end.

The political, social and economic dynamics certainly have flipped in recent years. Piers Morgan is now a voice of reason. He isn’t blaming red-state America for the state of the country — he’s blaming the race hustlers.

The traditionally liberal Brit is a welcome ally in America’s fight against the communists in government, entertainment, sports, big business, technology and education. The Democratic Party slowly has been taken over by leftists and their neo-Marxist agenda.

Many who are more sane probably don’t know what to say at this point because they’ve chosen a political party over their principles — unlike Morgan.

We’re a country so divided and bewildered that even the Fourth of July is now a day for contention and strife. If conservatives, and even those few liberals who have an ounce of fortitude, don’t find a way to start making meaningful contributions to the culture, or stand up to the bully mobs and defend their country, we are doomed.

Can America come back from its current political, racial and social divide?

We face annihilation at the hands of a foreign enemy, a fall from within guided by armed groups or Balkanization. That much is apparently obvious from Europe.

The leftists aren’t going to be reasoned with, nor will they give up their agenda to destroy America. Those among us who are afraid to speak are the people who should be speaking the loudest right now. We all need to be screaming that our country is worth saving.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.

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