
Swalwell Reportedly Loses It on GOP Staffer Over Masking: 'You Don't Tell Me What to F***ing Do'


Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California turned profane and indignant when told he no longer needs to wear a mask, according to a new report.

The anecdote was relayed via Twitter by Scott Wong, a reporter for The Hill, and confirmed in essence by Swalwell himself.

“Another verbal altercation just happened in the House: MTG’s spokesman Nick Dyer told @RepSwalwell: ‘Biden says you can take off your mask’ Swalwell confronted Dyer, got in his face and according to Dyer, said: ‘You don’t tell me what to f—ng do!'” Wong tweeted, using the initials of Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia.

Wong’s tweet reference an encounter between Greene and Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in which Greene challenged the progressive lawmaker to a debate.

Wong said he was unable to verify the details of the Swalwell-Dyer flareup.

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“I saw the altercation but was not close enough to hear Swalwell,” he tweeted.

Then Swalwell strutted his version of the encounter on Twitter.

“I had a mask on as I stepped off the Floor. An aide with @mtgreenee yelled at me to take my mask off. No one should be bullied for wearing a mask. So I told the bully what I thought of his order. Predictably, he went speechless. I regret I wasn’t more explicit,” he tweeted.

Dyer said Swalwell “chased” him and “aggressively leaned” into him, according to Forbes.

Greene offered her commentary on the confrontation.

“Today, Eric Swalwell walking in here, my staffer nicely says to him, ‘Congressman, you don’t have to wear your mask anymore, because it was what Biden said yesterday,’ he chases my staffer inside everybody saw it and gets in his face, curses at him, says you don’t tell me what to do,” Greene said, according to NBC. “The Democrats are the party of aggression and violence.”

Greene went further in speaking to the New York Post.

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“You got Eric Swalwell, who had sex with a Chinese spy, on the Intel Committee,” she said, referring to reports that surfaced last year that it took an FBI briefing before Swalwell terminated a relationship with Christine Fang, who was allegedly a spy for China.

“They don’t care to remove him off the Intel Committee, and then Swalwell wants to assault my staff … they’re out of control,” she said.

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said that mask rules she imposed will stay in place until “all Members and Floor staff are fully vaccinated,” according to NBC.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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