
Texas Sheriff Rips Into Biden Admin for Reportedly Forcing National Guard to Pick Up Trash at Southern Border


The Biden administration has elected to value the trash at the southern border over the Americans living there, and one Texas sheriff is speaking up.

Jackson County Sheriff Andy Louderback slammed the Biden administration on “Fox and Friends” Sunday for the open border policies that have reportedly forced Texas National Guard troops to clean up trash left at the southern border by migrants.

“How embarrassing, to highlight the Biden policies and the current administration, on our National Guard, our Texas National Guard, picking up garbage,” he said.

“We find these places littered completely with trash. And on the border, it’s an incredible amount of tonage of clothing and trash and water bottles, backpacks, you know, just the entire scene is just littered with things.”

Louderback told host Jedediah Bila it’s “incomprehensible” that the southern border “is in the shape that it is in now.”

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“Maybe if we could get the president or the vice president down there, they maybe could see for themselves and would have to admit what they caused down there, what they caused here in Texas,” he added.

The sheriff’s comments come as President Joe Biden’s crisis on the southern border continues to build into the largest illegal immigration surge in recent history, as thousands upon thousands of migrants flood the border and put law enforcement to the test.

Biden’s administration has seemingly failed that test, with those they’ve called in to help secure the border apparently being designated to trash duty instead of security.

Should the Texas National Guard be assigned to trash duty?

Louderback explained the Texas National Guard certainly has more pertinent issues to face than trash, including human trafficking.

“This is a major travel route, the number one human trafficking here in the United States, a tremendous hub for human trafficking and narcotics,” Louderback said.

The sheriff is absolutely right — human trafficking is one of the most prevalent issues to date on the border. Texas is one of the largest states for human trafficking, with a 2017 study by the Institute on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault at The University of Texas Austin showing nearly 313,000 human trafficking victims were living in the state, with a whopping 79,000 being children.

According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, Texas had the second-highest number of reported cases of human trafficking in the United States, with 1,080 cases in 2019 alone.

And yet, despite these figures, the Biden administration reportedly decided to throw the National Guard — which usually assists with things like enforcing the laws, counter-drug efforts and fighting off invasions of the U.S. — at garbage clean-up. As Louderback said, it’s a complete and total embarrassment.

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Louderback couldn’t focus on just one of the innumerable consequences of Biden’s crisis, asking Bila, “Do we talk about the level of fear here in Texas and across the United States as an open border policy expands here? Do we talk about the cartel expansion and the strength and the power that they now exhibit here in the United States?”

Again, he was spot-on.

There’s no question Biden’s withdrawal of emergency funding from local law enforcement, as well as Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ Immigration and Customs Enforcement guidelines forcing agents to climb the chain of command simply to enforce the law, are to blame for the crisis unfolding at the border.

According to Customs and Border Protection data, Border Patrol encountered over 172,000 migrants in the month of March alone, representing over a 70 percent increase in border encounters. Just two months ago, over 13,000 unaccompanied migrant children were in federal custody.

This crisis is unsustainable at best and catastrophic at worst, and yet the Biden administration continues to plead ignorance, allegedly forcing Texas’ National Guard to clean up after illegal immigrants.

Louderback said the border crisis is being “completely ignored,” but that’s an understatement.

It shouldn’t need to be said, but the National Guard should not be tasked with picking up trash. They ought to be fulfilling Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s “Operation Lone Star” by assisting law enforcement in containing the crisis as best they can on their front.

Unfortunately, if this administration has anything to say about it, that won’t be the case for quite some time. Someone has to clean up Biden’s mess, and it’s clearly not going to be him.

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