
Big-Name Conservatives Launch Organization to Fight for 'Free and Fair Elections'


Allies of former President Donald Trump have launched an organization committed to combating voter fraud and ensuring election integrity.

The American Greatness Fund, an advocacy group founded by Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale, announced the establishment of the Election Integrity Alliance in a Wednesday statement.

“The Election Integrity Alliance will unite groups and efforts across the nation focused on combating election fraud and will build solutions and provide resources to state legislators and the public on challenges to free and fair elections,” the statement said.

“The Election Integrity Alliance will be a centralized hub that gives tools to enact meaningful change for the American people.”

The organization supports free and fair elections, the Constitution, the Electoral College, the authority of state legislators and the right to self-government.

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“Only through election integrity can our American government operate according to its limited and legitimate role in civil society. America is built on the recognition that our individual rights are God-given and pre-political,” the statement said.

“The only legitimate purpose of civil government is to preserve and protect those rights which are essential to liberty and justice for all.

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“Election integrity is a hallmark of freedom and should be a non-partisan, wholly American value. The Election Integrity Alliance’s mission is to support Congress, the state legislatures, and the voters and together, continue building a more perfect Union.”

The organization’s board consists of seven members, including former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis, former Trump advisor Peter Navarro and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

An NPR/Ipsos poll found that 67 percent of Republicans believe voter fraud contributed to President Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election. The poll was conducted from Dec. 21 to Dec. 22 among 1,115 American adults with a “credibility interval” of +/- 3.3 percentage points.

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A version of this article appeared on the Daily Caller News Foundation website.

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