
Trump Was Right: Everyone Can Get COVID Vaccine in April


It’s been over a year since COVID-19 first took the United States — and the world — by storm. And now, confirming former President Donald Trump’s prediction from last September, it appears the long-touted coronavirus vaccine is available to every American who wants it.

At the time, the liberal media labeled his prediction impossible.

“Trump says, without evidence, every American will get coronavirus vaccine by April,” The Washington Post reported on Sept. 18.

“Trump says every American can get a coronavirus vaccine by April, but health experts say that’s not likely,” CNN said the same day, reiterating The Post’s criticism of the former president.

The New York Times also joined in on bashing Trump’s prediction on Sept. 20, with a headline stating, “Top U.S. Health Officials Tiptoe Around Trump’s Vaccine Timeline.”

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Now it is April and we have enough hindsight to effectively determine whether the former president’s ambitious plan was, in fact, as overreaching as the liberal media claimed.

Once again, Trump was right and the mainstream media was wrong.

Of course, at the time, the prediction seemed ambitious — impossible, even. But how much of the liberal media’s criticism was legitimate skepticism and how much was simply partisan?

It seemed that the former president could do nothing right in their eyes, but pandemic recovery should, by no means, fall subject to such partisanship.

Do you believe Trump deserves credit for his accurate prediction?

Trump spearheaded the vaccine distribution program while he was still president and worked to paint a picture of optimism for Americans during a dark segment of history.

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Defense, highlighted the Trump administration’s strategy to “deliver safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine doses to the American people as quickly and reliably as possible” through a plan known as “Operation Warp Speed” last September.

The progress that his administration catalyzed proves highly successful months later.

Health officials began administering COVID-19 vaccines to the public in December, according to The Wall Street Journal, nine months after massive shutdowns ensued.

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden’s administration announced that “any adult in any state will be able to get a COVID-19 vaccination by April 19,” according to The Washington Times.

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So, yes, Trump’s prediction has been verified months later. What does this say about the liberal media’s relentless criticism of every aspect of his efforts, including his plans for vaccine distribution and pandemic recovery?

Though some experts agreed with Trump at the time, the media was quick to write off his assertions that the vaccine would be accessible to every American within a few months.

Ironically, the Biden administration appears to be rolling out a vaccine timeline similar to the one set in place by Trump. Perhaps this reiterates the former president’s belief that a widespread vaccine would soon become a reality.

It seems that Trump deserves some credit for his predictions although, by evidence of the left’s past, receiving that credit is highly unlikely.

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