
Cancer-Stricken Rush Limbaugh's Final Post Called Out President Biden in a Big Way


Conservative radio icon Rush Limbaugh, who unbeknownst to fans at the time was in his final days, used his last Facebook post to take a shot at President Joe Biden for canceling a speech due to a couple of inches of snow.

Limbaugh passed away Wednesday at the age of 70 after a long fight against lung cancer. By all accounts, he pushed through the daily agony and the pain of aggressive cancer to deliver every day he could to an audience that counted on him.

The host gave his audience his all — every day he was able to. So, it’s no surprise that on the day of his final broadcast, Feb. 2, he called out Biden on his program and online for taking a snow day for no discernible reason other than a little bit of precipitation.

The Washington Free Beacon reported Biden called off his much-anticipated speech at the State Department in Washington, D.C., which was scheduled for Monday, Feb. 1.

A White House official told reporters the speech would be “rescheduled due to inclement weather,” and that Biden “looks forward to visiting later this week when the agency’s staff and diplomats can more safely commute to attend.”

Limbaugh, who’d spent a year battling aggressive cancer, found a way to make it to his microphone every day he was able to. The host, stricken with terminal cancer, apparently took issue with Biden postponing a major speech — and everything that came with it — over what was reported to be two inches of snow.

Limbaugh caught wind of Biden’s cancelation and skewered him for it.

“Biden canceled ‘a major foreign policy speech,’ folks, over two inches of snow. I kid you not,” the beloved conservative icon wrote on Facebook in what would be his final post on the platform.

Do you think anyone is capable of filling the void Rush left behind in the conservative movement?

Limbaugh shared a link to a transcript on his website with an excerpt from his Feb. 2 program, in which he likened Biden to Pennsylvania’s winter weather woodchuck, Punxsutawney Phil.

“Biden canceled ‘a major foreign policy speech,’ folks, over two inches of snow. I kid you not,” Limbaugh said.

“‘Biden canceled a Monday trip to the State Department to deliver his first major policy address, citing the two inches of snow that fell in Washington,’” he added, apparently perplexed while reading a news story about the cancelation.

Limbaugh then summarized the news with that classic sense of humor he displayed to his national audience for almost 33 years.

“I don’t know, maybe Biden saw his shadow. What is this? Two inches of snow is gonna shut down Biden? Biden’s gonna put a lid on it for that?” he concluded.

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Limbaugh knew he was nearing the end of his battle against the cancer that took him from us, and his wife Kathryn, much sooner than we would have hoped. It was a comfort just knowing he was out there — most likely taking in the events of the afternoons, evenings and mornings — preparing for the next day’s program.

Cancer, more often than not, couldn’t hold him back from grabbing his golden mic and saying what many of us were all too often thinking — even if we hadn’t yet reconciled it or articulated it to ourselves or others.

There was certainly no way a little bit of snow would have kept him from reaching the audience that counted on him for three hours a day, five days a week.

Naturally, he was surprised to see that Biden would call off a major event and create a logistics headache for all involved, and to cite “inclement weather” as the reason for doing so.

Limbaugh had a job where he could have probably phoned it in or taken off as many days as he wanted. Hosts were always on standby, just in case Limbaugh couldn’t handle the load for that day. Sadly, they became more and more prevalent as his condition worsened.

But you knew where the radio legend wanted to be, and when he was on, you sometimes felt it was because he’d willed himself there.

So he apparently took it personally when Biden, the president of the United States, canceled a speech over a little bit of snow. Biden is, after all, a bastion of good health and intellect, we’re told.

CORRECTION, Feb. 20, 2021: This article originally claimed that Groundhog Day was on Feb. 1, when in fact, it was on Feb. 2. We apologize to our readers for the error.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.

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