
Biden's Extreme New 'Citizenship Act' Rewards Those Illegally in Country Before Jan. 1, Redefines 'Alien' and Sends Billions to Central America


Democrats are taking up immigration legislation laid out by President Joe Biden which promises to offer amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants and send billions of dollars to Central America while banishing the word “alien” from the country’s immigration laws.

In a bill that puts Americans last, as Biden signaled would be the compass by which the federal government guided policy before his inauguration, Democrats in the House and Senate on Thursday introduced the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021.

The bill itself is based on guidance provided by the Biden White House on Jan. 20, which called for sweeping immigration legislation. Democratic Rep. Linda Sánchez of California and Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey are sponsoring the bill in House and Senate, respectively.

Neither Democrat, nor anyone in the White House, explained how the legislation would help American citizens dealing with the one-two punch of the coronavirus pandemic and its accompanying economic devastation.

But Democrats, with a roadmap from Biden, are laying out how they intend to go about immigration reform, and the bill is an absolute mess that essentially rewards those who entered the country illegally. Three parts of the bill are the most problematic — they include offering citizenship to illegals, a bailout for Central American countries and even pledges to vanquish that dehumanizing slur of a word, “alien.”

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On amnesty, Biden’s Jan. 20 immigration guidance promised to promote “immigrant and refugee integration and citizenship.”

“The bill provides new funding to state and local governments, private organizations, educational institutions, community-based organizations, and not-for-profit organizations to expand programs to promote integration and inclusion” while “addressing the root causes of migration from Central America.”

The bill further will focus on “ensuring that the United States remains a refuge for those fleeing persecution.”

The bill, if eventually passed, will allow illegals to apply for “temporary legal status, with the ability to apply for green cards after five years if they pass criminal and national security background checks and pay their taxes.”

Do you think Democrats will have the votes to pass Biden's immigration reform bill?

“Dreamers, TPS holders, and immigrant farmworkers,” meanwhile, would be eligible for green cards immediately. After three years, every green card holder capable of passing a background check and understanding basic civics would be able to apply for citizenship, so long as they entered the U.S. illegally prior to Jan. 1, 2021.

There are an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the country, according to the Migration Policy Institute, and it appears Democrats are hoping those people will become a new voting bloc. Naturally, there is a vague loophole described for those who do not meet the criteria to apply for citizenship.

Another troubling aspect of the bill is its bailout for Central America, which is announced as once-busy American streets are peppered with vacant former businesses.

Despite so many people struggling in our nation, Biden wants to set aside $4 billion “to address the underlying causes of migration in the region, including by increasing assistance to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras,” his immigration policy outline said.

Biden, with his apparent “Central America First” policy, also wants to end “corruption, violence, and poverty” in those countries, but not this one.

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The Biden guidance additionally pledges to banish the word “alien” from the country’s immigration codes.

“Lastly, the bill further recognizes America as a nation of immigrants by changing the word ‘alien’ to ‘noncitizen’ in our immigration laws.”

Current code designates an “alien” as any person who is “not a citizen or national of the United States,” which doesn’t seem too insensitive, as these people are quite literally not citizens. But it wouldn’t be a Democratic-sponsored piece of legalization if it didn’t contain some semblance of virtue-signaling.

Naturally, Democrats are blaming former President Donald Trump for forcing them to craft their radical immigration bill. USA Today reported Menendez invoked the name of the former commander-in-chief when commenting on the bill Thursday.

“We’re here today because last November, 80 million Americans voted against Donald Trump and against everything he stood for. They voted to restore common sense, compassion and competence in our government, and part of that mandate is fixing our immigration system,” Menendez said.

Whether Democrats have a “mandate,” as Menendez claimed, is questionable if not laughable. Democrats scraped by in November — narrowly holding the House, while the GOP holds 50 Senate seats.

In any event, Democrats are feeling emboldened in the second month of the Biden administration. As expected, they’ve pivoted from policies that put Americans first to ones that place us last.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.

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