
Trey Gowdy 'Madder Than Hell' After Pelosi Lets Her True COVID Relief Strategy Slip


Nancy Pelosi let the mask slip – and Trey Gowdy nailed it.

In a Fox News interview Monday, the former South Carolina congressman and federal prosecutor teed off on the Democratic House speaker after Pelosi admitted last week that she’s open to passing a realistic coronavirus relief package now because she expects former Vice President Joe Biden to be sworn in to the presidency in January.

It was a sharp change from recent months, when Pelosi and her Democratic colleagues insisted on measures they knew were unacceptable to Republicans in a transparent effort to delay federal aid to Americans to hurt President Donald Trump at the voting booth.

“This has simplicity,” Pelosi said through her stylish face covering during a news conference Friday, after being asked why she now accepts a bill proposed in the Senate that’s much smaller than Democrats had previously demanded. “It’s what we’ve had in our bills. It’s for a shorter period of time, but that’s OK now, because we have a new president.”

In an interview with Fox News’ Dana Perino on Monday, Gowdy wasn’t buying that.

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“That’s one of the dumbest and also most despicable things I have ever heard an alleged leader say,” Gowdy told Perino.

“Just because Joe Biden won, it’s OK to do it, but if Donald Trump had won — I mean when you’re suffering, when you’re, like, in economic self-defense mode, you don’t care about politics. You just want to keep your business going, your family fed, you don’t want to be evicted from your home.”

Gowdy contrasted Pelosi’s treatment from the establishment media with what could have been expected for a Republican, like former House Speakers Paul Ryan of Wisconsin or John Boehner of Ohio.

Did you think Pelosi used the coronavirus crisis to hold Americans hostage?

“What’s missing, Dana, is if Paul Ryan or John Boehner had said or done what she just said, there would be media outcries. … What other entity has commented on what the speaker of the House just said?”

“It really is so outrageous. It’s hard to get me upset, but what she just said makes me madder than hell.”

It should make a whole lot more people than Trey Gowdy madder than hell.

It’s a good bet that Pelosi, the woman who can shamelessly show off her expensive, gourmet ice cream on late-night television, doesn’t worry much about “economic self-defense mode,” feeding her family or being evicted from her San Francisco home.

That leaves her plenty of time to worry about politics, specifically her determination to hold the American people hostage by holding up coronavirus relief packages pre-election by larding Democratic measures with provisions she knew were unacceptable to Republicans – and should be unacceptable to every sane American.

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As a column by Forbes contributor Elizabeth Bauer in October documented, the Democrats’ relief package known as the HEROES Act was a 2,154-page, $3 trillion monstrosity that contained an eye-glazing list of government – i.e. taxpayer – payments for causes that had nothing to do with the coronavirus.

It was simply Democrats making demands they knew would not be met to keep Trump from getting a “win” before the election. The fact that hard-hit Americans would be getting a badly needed “win,” too, wasn’t part of Pelosi’s plans.

(The bill Pelosi is now willing to accept does not include a new round of the $1,200 relief checks Americans received in the spring, according to NBC News, but does include funding for an extra $300 in weekly unemployment payments.)

And now comes the ostentatiously masked House speaker to defend her party’s willingness to accept a bill one-third the size it previously insisted upon because, as she put it, “we have a new president.”

The real message here is clear. In the months prior to the election, the Democratic priority was not aiding Americans suffering from the economic fallout of the coronavirus on the country; it was hurting Trump and his re-election effort.

Since Trump is still contesting the results of the Nov. 3 vote, whether that strategy paid off will depend on who, ultimately, is sworn into the presidency on Jan. 20.

But one thing is undeniable. The masked Pelosi let the mask slip about her real motives for holding up COVID relief money for Americans.

And Trey Gowdy isn’t the only one who should be madder than hell about it.

The Americans who need relief the most – especially the ones who still call themselves Democrats – should be furious, too.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.

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