
Franklin Graham Sends Veterans Day Warning: US Is Under Attack 'From Within'


Rev. Franklin Graham urged followers in a Veterans Day message to pray for the country and its president amid concerns of socialist encroachment.

“Today we honor all of our military veterans who have served to defend the freedoms of this nation, and the blood that has been shed for us and for future generations,” Graham wrote on social media. “We owe them a great debt.”

Graham went on to tell his Facebook and Twitter followers: “It seems our nation is under attack — attack from within, from socialists who want to bring anarchy to our streets.”

“The hard-won freedoms that we have enjoyed in America are very much at stake,” he added.

“Pray for the President, our Commander-in-Chief, as he leads the nation during these turbulent times, that God would give him wisdom, grace, and understanding for times such as these.”

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Graham received both support and criticism for his social media posts.

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A faithful Trump supporter, Graham attended church with Vice President Mike Pence two days before the election, according to the Boone, North Carolina-based Watauga Democrat.

But Graham’s family appears to be divided over Trump.

Last year, Graham’s nephew, Aram Tchividjian, challenged his uncle on Twitter.

After Christianity Today — which Graham’s father, Rev. Billy Graham, founded — penned a 2019 editorial calling for Trump’s removal, Tchividjian appeared to deny his uncle’s claim that Billy Graham voted for Trump in 2016.

The State, a Greenville, South Carolina-based newspaper, recently reported Franklin Graham’s niece, Jerushah Duford, had joined forces with The Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump group made up of former Republicans, in an effort to elect Joe Biden.

In September, Franklin Graham led a prayer march in Washington, D.C., saying the only hope for the United States is God.

“And it seems like our country is out of control, and I feel that the only hope for our country is God,” Graham told The Western Journal at the time.

“I think God can use a politician to turn this country around, but we have to have God.”

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Jennifer Jean Miller is an award-winning news reporter, known for her coverage of New Jersey’s nursing home deaths during the coronavirus pandemic. She holds college degrees in Education and Paralegal Studies.
Jennifer Jean Miller is an award-winning news reporter, known for her coverage of New Jersey’s nursing home deaths during the coronavirus pandemic. She holds college degrees in Education and Paralegal Studies.
College degrees in Education, Paralegal Studies

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