
Senate Committee Insider Makes Stunning Announcement on Biden Whistleblower Materials


Documents provided by former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinksi have been authenticated by a Senate committee after a thorough review, according to a report.

So much for blaming Russians or other foreign entities for stunning reports that could undercut Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign for the White House.

The whistleblower who credibly provided Fox News host Tucker Carlson with evidence and a firsthand account linking the former vice president to his son’s business dealings has had his side of the story legitimized.

Bobulinski is no Kremlin operative, which has already been confirmed by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and the FBI.

The Daily Caller reported Wednesday that the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee found that documents, including text messages, emails and other pieces of evidence from Bobulinksi, have been recognized as being bona fide.

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Henry Rodgers reported, “The information has to be verified, as it is subject to the same false information to Congress laws that verbal or written testimony does.”

Rodgers added that a representative of GOP Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who chairs the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, “told the Caller that all the material provided by Bobulinski that has been reviewed so far has turned out to be legitimate.”

“The committee has ‘also’ not come across any ‘signs’ or evidence to suggest the content is false, the spokesperson added,” Rodgers said.

With the news, the establishment media and Biden’s surrogates have lost the ability to squash the story by labeling it as mere partisan mudslinging.

Do you have confidence that Biden's alleged connection to his son's business dealings will be thoroughly investigated?

All evidence thus far seems to show that the former vice president was highly involved with Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings, as was first indicated in stories reported this month by the New York Post.

Biden’s alleged connection was quickly dismissed as either a Kremlin disinformation campaign or a vast right-wing conspiracy.

But the reports, which grow more damaging for Biden every day, have not been challenged on substance.

Now it has become even more difficult for Democrats and their media allies to smother the bombshell scandal, which is corroborated by multiple sources, news agencies and now, apparently, a Senate committee.

Unlike the unverified reports that have been used during attempts to hamstring President Donald Trump throughout the last four years, the Biden family scandal is backed up by hard evidence and a witness willing to go on the record.

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Perhaps that’s why the establishment media have almost completely ignored it.

It’s also potentially why Biden has vaguely labeled it a “smear” against his son without expounding on that claim.

In any event, information much of the country already saw on Carlson’s program Wednesday has reportedly been verified by a Senate committee, and Democrats apparently have only themselves to thank.

Bobulinski stated on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that the only reason he came forward to begin with was that Rep. Adam Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee chairman, disgraced his family’s good name by linking him and his evidence to Russia.

“I was hoping the Bidens would do the right thing or Schiff would retract his statement, but I couldn’t allow another minute, another hour or day for my family’s name to associated or muddied up by Russian disinformation,” Bobulinksi told Carlson.

The country is now five days away from the most consequential election in modern history, and the Democrats’ candidate for the White House is implicated in a reported business scheme that could redefine the word “scandal” in Washington.

Despite the establishment media’s best efforts to ignore the bombshell story, it’s now out of the hands of the country’s biased and activist reporters.

Johnson will call Bobulinski to testify before the Senate at some point after the election, according to the Washington Examiner.

Even if Biden is somehow successful in defeating Trump next week, this story is just beginning to take off.

For those concerned about the scandal’s potential to harm only Biden, the New York Post reported last week that his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris of California, has also been connected to Hunter Biden’s reported former laptop, as have other high-ranking Democrats.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.

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