
Mike Pence: I'm in Arizona for One Reason Only - The Road to Victory Leads Right Through Here


The Trump campaign is not allowing President Donald Trump’s recent COVID-19 diagnosis to halt progress toward a favorable result on Election Day 2020.

In fact, as prominent surrogates and members of the administration set out once again this week for the swing states, Vice President Mike Pence was adamant in asserting that now, more than ever, “the road to victory runs right through” heartland America.

“Karen and I are excited to be here today, but we’re here for one reason, and one reason only,” Pence said Wednesday.

“The road to victory runs right through Arizona.”

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The remarks came as Pence addressed a sizable outdoor crowd during a brief stopover in the northwest Phoenix suburb of Peoria, Arizona, less than 24 hours after a widely praised vice presidential debate performance for the Republican incumbent.

Going for Trump by a margin of roughly 100,000 votes in 2016, Arizona, once a Republican stronghold, seems to be on the fast track to swing state status in recent years, according to Politico.

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With a growing population of Latino voters and a recent influx of white, college-educated California immigrants, the state is now seen as an essential battleground in the 2020 presidential election between incumbent Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden.

According to The Arizona Republic, Biden did not begin to establish any sort of substantial footprint in the state until mid-June, however, when his campaign finally hired its first permanent staffers to facilitate operations in the region — a move the Trump campaign widely rebuked, attacking Biden for attempting to “parachute” in late and win the day.

The Biden campaign made good on those allegations Wednesday, touching down in Arizona for the first time, with just 26 days remaining until the election on Nov. 3.

Republican Rep. Debbie Lesko of Arizona, whose district Pence visited this week, was quick to address this in a post-event interview with The Western Journal, saying Biden had grown radical and was neglecting heartland America as a result.

“I was so excited that Vice President Pence came here to my district,” Lesko said.

“Arizona is crucial to winning not only the presidency — which I totally believe President Trump will win Arizona — but also to the U.S. Senate.”

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The congresswoman went on to compare Trump’s successful record on the issues with the ever-shifting ideology of the Democratic Party.

“President Trump stands up for our values,” Lesko said. “Everything he’s promised, he’s followed through on, whether it’s securing the border — there’s already about 350 miles of new border fence has already been built. He said that he would increase funding for the military, he’s done that. We’ve given pay raises to the troops more than has been done in the last decade. He’s stood up for law and order.

“There’s no comparison. The Democrats are not the party of JFK anymore. This is a total radical party. I see it firsthand while working in Washington, D.C., and we cannot let these radical people take over our country.”

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