
Bloomberg Plans To Spend at Least $100 Million To Help Biden Win Florida


The former politician and anti-gun activist who launched an expensive presidential primary bid only to drop out after it became clear Democratic voters weren’t buying into his message is back.

Billionaire and former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg has decided to spend at least $100 million in Florida to defeat Trump, a swing state considered vital to the president’s re-election effort, according to The Washington Post.

Bloomberg confirmed he was investing big in Florida after The Post reported on his plans, Politico reported. CNN was among the outlets to confirm that the $100 million figure was a baseline number.

The billionaire has been free with his money before.

During his ill-fated effort to win the Democratic nomination, Bloomberg spent more than $1 billion, according to ABC News.

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He netted 55 delegates.

The Post framed Bloomberg’s action as coming in light of media reports that Trump may personally invest his own money in his re-election fight.

“Voting starts on Sept. 24 in Florida so the need to inject real capital in that state quickly is an urgent need,” Bloomberg adviser Kevin Sheekey said.

“Mike believes that by investing in Florida it will allow campaign resources and other Democratic resources to be used in other states, in particular the state of Pennsylvania.”

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Trump responded to the news by continuing the mockery of Bloomberg that he began during the Democratic primary.

“I thought Mini Mike was through with Democrat politics after spending almost 2 Billion Dollars, and then giving the worst and most inept Debate Performance in the history of Presidential Politics. Pocahontas ended his political career on first question, OVER! Save NYC instead,” Trump tweeted.

He also threw a jab at Bloomberg’s private business.

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“In the highly competitive world of high tech, how come nobody has ever challenged Mini Mike Bloomberg and his very average, & supposedly outdated, ‘stuff’ that he sells to so many? Did he use his position as Mayor of New York to create what is now a monopoly? Just askin’?” Trump tweeted.

A recent NBC News/Marist poll of Florida voters showed former Vice President Joe Biden and Trump each with 48 percent support.

The poll showed Trump with 50 percent support among Latinos, while Biden was at 46 percent support. The survey’s margin of error was +/- 4.5 percentage points.

In December, Bloomberg had harsh words for the candidate he is now supporting, according to The Hill.

“He’s never been the manager of an organization, he’s never run a school system,” Bloomberg said of Biden.

“The presidency shouldn’t be a training job,” Bloomberg told MSNBC.

“You need somebody who comes in and knows how to run an organization.”

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack can be reached at
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