
Democratic Senator Who Admitted to Hitting His Wife in the Face Casts Final Votes for Biden Nomination


Democratic Delaware Sen. Tom Carper, who once admitted to hitting his wife in the face, cast the final nominating votes for former Vice President Joe Biden at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday night.

Carper and a fellow Democrat, Delaware Gov. John Carney, cast the final nominating votes for Biden, in keeping with the tradition of the nominee’s state casting the final votes.

“Our nation faces daunting challenges, but I’ve known Joe Biden for 40 years, and there’s nobody I trust more to lead our party, unite our country and restore our standing in the world,” Carper said.

“What’s more, he is humble, he tells the truth and treats everybody he encounters with respect, and builds bridges, not walls.

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“He is a leader made for this moment and the finest public servant I have ever known,” he added.

Carper admitted in a 1998 interview that he once hit his now ex-wife in the face.

“Did I slap my wife 20 years ago? Yes,” Carper said in the interview, which the Washington Free Beacon first resurfaced in December 2017.

“Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? No.”

Do you think the fact that Carper has not been "canceled" shows the left's hypocrisy?

The Free Beacon also resurfaced a 2000 newspaper article that quoted Carper admitting to hitting his ex-wife in a deposition.

Carper said his ex-wife was left with “some discoloration of her left eye and some puffiness” as a result of the violent act, according to the deposition.

“I slapped Dianne one time. It was a stupid thing to do and I … regret it now,” he is quoted saying in the deposition.

“It caused some discoloration of her left eye and some puffiness.”

The Biden campaign and Carper’s Senate office didn’t immediately return the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.

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A version of this article appeared on The Daily Caller News Foundation website.

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