
Marine Vet, Retired Cop Targeted and Killed for Being White


A Wisconsin man allegedly used a pickup truck to purposefully ram and kill a motorcyclist because he was white, deputies said in a Thursday news conference.

Daniel Navarro, 27, is suspected of using his father’s 2004 Dodge pickup truck to swerve into oncoming traffic and kill a motorcyclist on July 3.

The victim was later identified as 55-year-old Phillip Thiessen, a Marine veteran and retired law enforcement officer.

Navarro told officials that he intentionally struck Thiessen head-on because he was white, according to Fox News.

Thiessen spent his law enforcement career fighting crimes against children and was known to volunteer at a local food pantry, Fox reported.

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The former public servant died in the street after his bike went airborne, and rescue personnel weren’t able to resuscitate him.

Navarro is facing both first degree murder and hate crime charges for the incident.

He alleges his white co-workers “poisoned” him “because he is Mexican,” according to a criminal complaint obtained by WITI.

The suspected killer “picked a motorcycle because he wanted the person to die” and “white people drive motorcycles,” he told deputies the day of the crash.

Do you think Navarro will be convicted of his charges?

Prosecutors also said Navarro told them that “if Trump and white people are going to create a world like we are living in, then he has no choice and people are going to have to die,” according to WITI.

The Fond du Lac Sheriff’s Office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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A version of this article appeared on The Daily Caller News Foundation website.

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