
Biden Accuser Shames Media, VP Hopefuls: 'You Are Complicit in Rape' if You Keep It Up


A woman who has accused Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her while she worked on his Senate staff in 1993 is now accusing the establishment media and Democrats of protecting the former vice president.

Tara Reade, who first claimed in March that Biden once cornered and assaulted her, told Fox News on Sunday that she would like the establishment media to treat her accusation as “dignified.”

She also told the network that prominent female Democrats and vice presidential hopefuls such as Sens. Kamala Harris of California, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts are “complicit in rape” if they choose to side with Biden by disregarding her story.

“I’d like my history with Biden to be examined in a dignified way that’s not slanted by political bias or sensationalized. I’d like a deeper conversation about the fact that sexual harassment and sexual assault do not have a political party, agenda,” Reade told Fox.

“[Sexual assault is] an equal opportunity offender. There are Democratic offenders as well as Republican offenders and I’m sure independent and Green Party. I mean, it doesn’t matter what your party affiliation is, and it shouldn’t as far as the media coverage regarding claims,” she said.

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With regard to how Democrats and the establishment media handled accusations against conservative Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, Read said she has noticed partisan differences in the way her case has been approached when compared to the accusations made by Christine Blasey Ford.

“Blasey Ford, because it was a conservative candidate they were going to put in the Supreme Court, was treated with much more deference by most of the media outlets, although her experience was difficult as well. And she received threats and received her own pain,” Reade said.

“I’ve basically had no substantive support from women’s groups that are considered liberal or Democratic,” she continued. “I’ve had no support from any Democratic candidate, although I’ve reached out. And I’ve received either slanted reporting that ended up being talking points for Biden’s campaign or silence from the mainstream media. So that’s my contention and my concern.”

Reade then accused Democrats and reporters of protecting Biden, whom she described a “a powerful man,” and accused three female Democratic senators of putting their party before justice for women.

Do you think Democrats and the establishment media are protecting Biden?

“What I’d like to say to the slanted reporting where they are omitting details, where they are not investigating corroborating [testimony], what I would like to say to them at this point and some of the silence from some the candidates Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren that at this point, if you continue to silence me, if you continue to engage in protecting a powerful man without giving my case a closer look, you are complicit in rape,” Reade said.

Reade, a lifelong Democrat, concluded she does not feel that those reporting her accusations will treat her with the same respect generally afforded to women claiming sexual assault.

“Nothing’s going to change. And I’m already taking heat, so you know, you can put the heat on me. I’m the one who’s saying it. They can call me crazy, or whatever,” she concluded.

Reade first went public last month with an allegation that Biden had penetrated her with his fingers in 1993 during her time as a staffer in his Senate office.

On Friday, a clip resurfaced purportedly showing Reade’s mother speaking via telephone with Larry King on CNN on Aug. 11, 1993.

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In the clip, unearthed by The Intercept, a woman tells King, “I’m wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington? My daughter has just left there, after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him.”

Reade wrote on Twitter that the caller on the clip is her mother.

After seeing the clip, Reade reacted, “aww, I have not heard my mom’s voice in awhile,” The Intercept reported.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.

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