
Senator Martha McSally Warns of US Media Outlets 'Parroting' Chinese Propaganda


Sen. Martha McSally was indignant in a Thursday night television spot with Fox News, accusing establishment media outlets within the United States of “parroting” Chinese propaganda amid the deadly global coronavirus pandemic.

Prompted by host Shannon Bream to discuss efforts made by the virus’ nation of origin to shift blame away from itself for the poor information sharing and management that led to wider global spread, the Arizona Republican affirmed allegations China is scrambling to clean up a public relations nightmare — and suggested American media has played directly into its hands in a “disgusting,” albeit “unsurprising” way.

“I’ve never trusted the Chinese Communist Party and their totalitarian regime,” McSally said. “If they had actually done the right thing early on, so many lives would have been saved in their own country and now around the world.”

“They have been on a path to try and have global dominance through many different sectors and now, instead of taking responsibility and having transparency to stop this pandemic, now they’re taking advantage of it,” McSally continued. “They could have come hat in hand, with humility perhaps, to help others after they screwed this up. But instead, it seems they’re going on a propaganda campaign.”

“And some of our media outlets, unfortunately, are parroting that propaganda, trying to supplant us in global dominance and it’s disgusting, but it is not surprising,” she added.

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President Donald Trump has seen tremendous pushback this week from the American establishment media for his rhetoric surrounding coronavirus and its origins, receiving around-the-clock coverage for referring to the virus as “Chinese.”

The supposedly racist and xenophobic descriptor — previously used by such outlets as CNN in reporting on the virus — has supposedly been used as a fear-mongering tactic by the Trump administration in order to distract from the apparently lackluster stateside pandemic response, according to several outlets and experts.

Left on the back burner, however, by the American press during this back-and-forth between the U.S. and Chinese governments were reports that as many as five key coronavirus whistle-blowers have vanished or were arrested and silenced by the Chinese Communist Party as the virus began its rapid spread.

Sparse timelines have begun to emerge detailing further cover-up efforts made by the CCP in the early days of the outbreak, but establishment media outlets have left many of these details uncovered.

Regardless, Republicans in D.C. have been unwilling to shift their focus away from the virus’ nation of origin, citing the immense human and economic costs of the coronavirus pandemic as further evidence the U.S. should divest from China.

Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas previously told Fox News he would soon be introducing legislation to prevent the federal government from purchasing key pharmaceuticals from China in light of the medical emergency, as well as incentivize the stateside production of those same drugs.

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According to the left-of-center Council on Foreign Relations, a 2019 Department of Commerce study revealed that so much as 97 percent of American antibiotics come from China, leaving the U.S. almost entirely dependent on Chinese production and goodwill for life-saving medical materials.

Do you agree with McSally?

And China flexed that muscle just one week ago in an editorial published by state-run media outlet Xinhua, which threatened that medicinal export controls could be put in place at any time.

McSally and fellow Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee reportedly also have bipartisan legislation in the works to hedge against the CCP’s economic leverage over the U.S.

“America is waking up that over the last decades we’ve allowed ourselves to outsource things that are critical for our national security — our critical minerals, our pharmaceuticals, our basic medicines, our manufacturing for crises like this — and it has to stop,” McSally said. “We have to bring that home.”

“That needs to be one of the follow-throughs immediately from this crisis,” she added.

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