
Libs Attack Trump-Supporting Mexican Restaurant Owners, But MAGA Backers Ride to the Rescue


This is one couple targeted by the liberal mob that isn’t backing down.

Immigrants Betty and Jorge Rivas, owners of a Mexican restaurant in Tucson, Arizona, have learned the hard way what it can mean to be supporters of President Donald Trump.

They were behind him in 2016 and targeted by a backlash, as KGUN in Tucson reported at the time. And recently, when they were seen attending the Feb. 19 Trump rally in Phoenix, they became a target again.

As Fox News reported, “negative reviews began hitting the Facebook page for Sammy’s Mexican Grill.”

But the couple has also been flooded with positive messages from Make America Great Again backers – and even from the Make America Great Again chief spokesman himself – and that’s gone a long way toward helping the restaurant survive the liberal attack.

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“The food is GREAT at Sammy’s Mexican Grill in Phoenix, Arizona,” Trump posted on Twitter Sunday, misstating the restaurant’s location, but leaving no doubt about his feelings. “Congratulations to Betty & Jorge Rivas on doing such a wonderful job. I will try hard to stop by the next time I am in Phoenix. Support Sammy’s!

Trump wasn’t the only one. Check out this video of the Rivases talking. Just about any American should be able to agree with the sentiments here.

“As naturalized United States citizens, we have the right to support President Trump, or to support any other candidate that loves this country,” Jorge Rivas said, in accented English that made the message somehow more powerful.

“For me, it is very important to support people that have the same values as I do. Just ’cause we’re Latinos it doesn’t mean we have to think like every other Latino in this country. We are individuals. And we feel that we have a constitutional right to meet to support whoever we want.”

Later he sounded a defiant note every American should thrill to.

“We will not be intimidated.”

And the couple had plenty of supporters.

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Check out a KGUN report from Sunday here.

In an interview with “Fox & Friends” on Sunday, the couple said the brouhaha might have hurt their business at first, but it has come back in a big way.

And regardless, they’re not backing down on their support for Trump.

“The first day, couple of days, it always goes down,” Jorge Rivas said. “But, like yesterday, we had a very good day. People that know that anyone, as an American, has the right to support whoever you want.

Do you support these restaurant owners?

“They come out and support us. So in a way, it’s turned out to be pretty good. Thankfully.”

What’s most impressive is how the two Americans-by-choice – Jorge is from El Salvador, Betty is from Mexico, according to Fox – have an appreciation for American freedoms that those born to the country take too often for granted.

Jorge Rivas said the criticism the couple had received from liberals in 2016 hadn’t scared them away from supporting Trump’s re-election.

“And since that happened, we have had Betty and the president’s picture up on the wall of the restaurant. So we have never denied or hide from what we stand for and what we believe,” he said.

“And we’ve been active. We’ve been going to President Trump’s rallies he has had in Phoenix and going to other meetings where Republicans meet.

“So we know who we are. We know that it’s important for us to stay active, to say what we feel.

“I personally feel that to me, staying quiet, and saying ‘oh, I’m not going to express my opinion because they might attack me,’ that would go against what I believe,” he said.

“That would go against what American stands from, ‘for,’ I mean.”

That’s the kind of spirit liberals won’t recognize, but MAGA supporters everywhere see as an instant kinship beyond race or language or region of the country.

That’s America talking, and it’s not backing down a bit.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.

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