
Huckabee: Irony Alert - Sales of Elizabeth Warren's 'Billionaire Tears' Mugs Actually Enrich a Billionaire


Elizabeth Warren claims she can pay for “Medicare for All” by taxing billionaires, a claim so ludicrous that even fellow liberals aren’t buying it.

But in a sure sign that she’s not ready for prime time, Warren is not trying to defend her tax scheme intellectually, or come up with a more plausible alternative. Instead, she’s going the childish route by mocking the billionaires she wants to soak for allegedly “crying” over having to pay their “fair share.”

Her campaign is even cashing in on its appeal to the worst in people’s natures by selling coffee mugs labeled “Billionaire Tears” for $25 (it seems awfully greedy to ask that much for a coffee mug, but I digress.)

Now, I could point out that anyone who can do basic math has warned that her tax proposals can’t come close to paying for her massive levels of spending.

I could also note that other nations such as France have recently done stupid things like she’s proposing (they even elected a socialist president, then almost immediately regretted it.) They quickly rescinded those taxes after discovering that people don’t become rich by sitting around crying about being taxed to death.

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Instead, they hide their money in non-job-producing tax shelters or just move out entirely and take their money with them (France’s “wealth tax” resulted in the departure of 42,000 millionaires before they finally repealed it.)

But what I really want to call your attention to is a report by The Daily Caller that Warren’s anti-billionaire coffee mug sales are actually enriching a billionaire.

She sells her campaign swag through Shopify, an e-commerce site whose founder, Tobias Lutke, is worth $2.8 billion. Records show that so far, her campaign has paid Shopify about $105,000 in 2019. I’ll bet that billionaire is laughing, not crying.

I’d also like to note that Lutke is not some trust fund baby or someone who gamed the system for personal advantage (like a certain senator we could all name.) He came from a humble background in Canada. He learned to code by age 12 and began a computer programming apprenticeship at 16.

When he and a friend wanted to sell snowboards online and couldn’t find good software, he created it himself, and that’s how Shopify was born. In short, he earned his billions by being smart, hard-working and creating a product that benefited countless other people.

So obviously, he deserves to be mocked and hated by Elizabeth Warren and her freebie-craving followers, even though her own campaign is also benefiting from what he created.

If you’re seriously thinking of buying one of her “Billionaire Tears” coffee mugs, let me suggest that you instead go to a site like and have a coffee mug custom-made with this quote on it:

“The spirit of envy can destroy; it can never build.” — Margaret Thatcher

Or maybe this:

Ben Shapiro: Don't Be Fooled by the 'Wealth Tax' - It Will Come for You Too

“Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to genius.” — Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Those thoughts will do you more good, and the mug will cost you nine bucks less.

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Mike Huckabee is the host of "Huckabee" on TBN Sat/Sun 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, a Fox News contributor, author, former Arkansas governor, bass guitarist and grandfather to six of the cutest kids in world! He's also a special contributor for The Western Journal.

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