
Elizabeth Warren Says Transgender Border Crossers 'Must' Be Released into the United States


It’s a double shot of liberal politics:

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the leftist law professor whose surging campaign is giving former Vice President Joe Biden a serious challenge for the role of “front-runner” in Democratic primary polls, has teamed up with the country’s only openly lesbian senator to demand special treatment for transgenders caught illegally crossing the U.S. border.

In fact, Warren’s demanding that they be released from custody.

In a letter to the Department of Homeland Security last week, Warren and Sen. Tammy Baldwin, the Wisconsin Democrat who’s never made any secret of her homosexuality, wrote that the U.S. has “moral and legal obligations to transgender asylum seekers,” according to

“We call on DHS to end policies and practices that harm transgender migrants … to address the atrocious and dangerous conditions that these vulnerable individuals face at the border and in U.S. immigration detention, and to reinstate and expand successful community-based alternatives to detention,” the senators wrote, according to Out.

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“We also call for DHS to use its discretion to release members of vulnerable populations, including transgender detainees.”

“We must end unnecessary detention and enforce strict standards to keep trans migrants and asylum seekers safe,” Warren tweeted.


Americans are used to seeing pandering among Democratic presidential hopefuls by now, though Warren has managed to distinguish herself even in that sorry crowd.

But the shameless use of immigration policy to appeal to a niche part of the Democratic base for purely political purposes is low even for the Democrats of 2019.

It’s also practically begging to create a whole new set of problems on the southern border.

When it became clear that the presence of a child would help an illegal alien enter the country, the number of fraudulent “families” taken into custody skyrocketed — as did the market for children who could be used for that purpose.

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What exactly do Sens. Warren and Baldwin think will happen if words gets around south of the border that the United States is favoring transgender individuals — and actually releasing them into the interior of the country?

Democratic presidential contenders apparently already think Americans are ready to shoulder the health care expenses for anyone in the world who manages to make it across the border.

Do they think American taxpayers are dying for the chance to pay for expensive transgender surgeries, too?

It was less than two weeks ago, after all, that Warren said that prison inmates are entitled to have their gender transformation surgeries paid for by public money.

Regardless, Warren’s plan had plenty of critics on social media.

That last one makes an excellent point, and one that underlines the twin lies Democrats tell about this country every day.

The first is that it is a system designed to oppress anyone who’s not white, male, heterosexual and Christian.

The second is that the country is subjecting illegal immigrants — as Warren and Baldwin put it — to “atrocious and dangerous conditions” as though the United States is operating out of some kind of spite toward the masses from Central America and elsewhere world who are trying to enter the country illegally.

(It’s not quite in the league of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “concentration camps” nonsense, but it’s close.)

If the country were as bad as liberals like to pretend, there would not be literally millions of foreigners risking their lives and liberty to get in. If the immigration system were as inhuman as liberals like to pretend, those millions would not be going to considerable expense and trouble to get into DHS custody.

But the transgender “issue” is huge for Democrats in the 2020 primary field, so Warren is going all in on pandering to the nichest of niche groups (along with its much larger group of supporters).

As liberal politics go, it’s a two-fer, a double-bagger, a perfect example of “intersectionality” in the fight against oppression:

Make a stand for transgender “rights,” while coddling a segment of the illegal immigrant population popular among the Democratic base.

It might even help Warren in the increasingly lefty Democratic primary field, but its traction in a general election — made up of a large percentage of sane, American voters — it’s not likely to help at all.

Polls already show illegal immigration isn’t nearly as popular with the American public as it is among the left.

Transgender issues also aren’t the slam dunk winner the left and the media seem to believe.

In fact, with one double shot of liberal politics, Warren could hardly have been more off target.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.

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