
Watch This Gun-Toting Mom Tell Beto Off for Gun Control Remarks During His Own Campaign Event


Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke may have just met his match: A 100-pound woman who is not ready to give up her right to self defense.

During a Friday campaign stop in Colorado, the 2020 Democratic candidate for president pushed his signature issue of gun control. O’Rourke, a former congressman from Texas, made waves when he recently pledged to take popular sporting rifles out of citizens’ hands.

But Lauren Boebert was having none of it. The pro-gun advocate and owner of Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado, drove three hours to look O’Rourke in the eye and tell him what she really thinks of his proposals.

“I was one of the gun-owning Americans that heard your speech and heard what you had to say regarding ‘Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15s and your AK-47.’ Well, I’m here to say, hell no, you’re not,” Boebert began.

She was just getting wound up. “So with that, I would like to know how you intend to legislate evil?” the woman asked. “Because it is not the gun, it is the heart of the man that does that.”

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Boebert referenced the 2012 mass shooting that took place in Aurora, and noted that laws had done little to actually prevent that tragedy.

“I had just recently moved when the Aurora shootings happened … Yet all of those people were there defenseless. They had no way to defend themselves against a crazed shooter,” she pointed out.

“So I want to know how you intend to legislate the hearts of men and leave American citizens like myself, American mothers, I have four children, I am 5’0″, 100 pounds, I can not really defend myself with a fist,” Boebert added.

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Somebody in the crowd grumbled about the mother of four not needing an AR-15. She responded with a dash of wit.

“I don’t have my AR-15 today, I have my Glock,” she answered. “Well you shouldn’t have it,” a voice from the crowd could be heard saying.

“Don’t worry sir, I have your back,” Boebert calmly replied.

“So all you’re going to do is restrict law-abiding citizens like myself,” she continued, again addressing O’Rourke. “We all know that you sir have a criminal history and I understand that burglars do not like armed defense. Yet that is a right that we have that shall not be infringed in America.”

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Although it isn’t included in the above video, the Democratic candidate did reply, mostly repeating talking points about Americans “not needing” common rifles like AR-15s.

“Do I care more about how upset somebody is who owns a weapon of war that they don’t need for hunting or self-defense, or do I care more about the families who’ve lost a child?” O’Rourke condescendingly responded, according to KCNC TV in Denver.

Of course, it’s worth pointing out that he hardly speaks for all families who have lost loved ones from violence. There are many voices who know the pain of tragedy, yet still support the right to self defense so that other people have a chance to protect themselves.

But none of that seems to matter to the left. They’ve gone all-in on tearing up the Second Amendment, with O’Rourke at least being the most honest about liberal plans to confiscate legally-owned firearms from citizens.

What he and all the others like him do not understand is that Boebert is not alone. For every courageous woman like her who speaks boldly, there are a hundred more Americans who quietly agree. They’re watching, they vote, and they’ve had enough of their rights being trampled.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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