
Teacher Allegedly Told High School Students Mike Pence Should Be 'Shot in the Head': Sheriff


Ah, liberal tolerance. Voices on the left frequently — and smugly — act as if they are the kind and considerate ones, while anyone to the right of Sen. Bernie Sanders is a hateful bigot.

But over and over again, it turns out liberals are far less tolerant than they say. That hypocrisy was on full display in North Carolina recently when a public school teacher allegedly shocked students by declaring that Vice President Mike Pence should be assassinated.

According to WJZY in Charlotte, a female teacher at Cuthbertson High School in Union County is now under investigation after she made threatening statements about Pence in front of a classroom of students. The disturbing comments apparently involved the vice president being “shot in the head.”

To make matters worse, Pence was actually in the area at the time, campaigning for Republican congressional candidate Dan Bishop, who ended up winning a much-watched special election in the state.

Although the teacher’s name has not yet been released, she is under scrutiny by both the local sheriff and the Secret Service. The school teacher has also been placed on administrative leave following the incident.

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“This is the Vice President of the United States. He’s an elected official,” local parent of two students Firas Obeid told WJZY. He expressed frustration with the teacher’s behavior, even though he isn’t much of a Pence supporter himself.

“Affiliation to a specific party does not entitle us to make statement like that to anyone,” Obeid said.

Another parent of a student who recently graduated from the school expressed similar outrage.

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“Especially as a teacher, you can’t justify saying that, especially to a group of kids,” Theresa Grovanz told WSOC-TV.

Allison Powers, the chair of the county GOP, echoed those feelings.

“You should not be bringing in those type of viewpoints to your job,” she said. “To just wish that kind of violence on anybody is just way out of bounds.”

For its part, the school said that the incident would not be ignored.

“Union County Public Schools is taking the alleged inappropriate comments made by a Cuthbertson High School teacher very seriously. Upon learning about the alleged comments, the teacher was immediately placed on administrative leave last week and there is an ongoing investigation into this matter,” a statement from the administration said.

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The Secret Service is aware of the reported comments made by the teacher. In addition, this is a personnel matter and information related to the investigation is protected by law.”

It should go without saying that the teacher’s comments, if as violent as reported, are extremely disturbing from anyone, let alone a school employee who is trusted to influence kids. This is even more alarming considering recent mass shootings and calls for civility by many sides.

Despite all the talk from the left about tolerating differences and embracing diversity, it seems some liberals would rather do the exact opposite.

This kind of vileness directed at others over political opinions must stop — and it needs to be called out and condemned when it happens.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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