
More Violence Against NYC Cops as Fight Breaks Out When Officers Arrive To Help at Fire


It should go without saying that the ultimate goal of law enforcement is to protect and save lives. Unfortunately, it still has to be said.

The New York Police Department is all too familiar with violence, resistance and disrespect in general, and Tuesday afternoon was no different.

After a fire broke out in a sixth floor apartment in the Bronx, residents and neighbors were quick to flee and gather around to observe, according to WNBC.

More than 100 firefighters were called to the scene, and naturally, the crowd had the potential to be obstructive and dangerous.

As the fire crew was working to quench the flames, police officers attempted to help control the crowd that was preventing safe evacuation from the burning building.

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It didn’t go too well.

As the crowd refused to move, the altercation soon devolved into a brawl, during which a woman ripped off an officer’s body camera and another person chucked a carton of milk at the cops.

The body-cam snatcher was quickly arrested and faced charges including harassment, assault and grand larceny. The milk thrower ran off immediately.

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Fortunately, none of the tenants inside the buildings were injured in the fire, as they were able to leave quickly via the fire escape. Five families were displaced, however.

Two deputies and five firefighters suffered minor injuries due to smoke inhalation, but no serious injuries came of the fight.

This is yet another example of police, and the NYPD specifically, dealing with resistance while trying to accomplish basic public safety tasks.

In late August, New York officers were caught on video trying to arrest a resisting suspect with a hostile crowd closing in. Before that, a series of water attacks went viral.

These attacks and resistance make it much more difficult for the police to do their job, which is to protect the community that they share with these people.

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Unfortunately, the situation doesn’t seem to be getting any better, as the New York City leadership refuses to step in and support its law enforcement officers.

No wonder the officers’ union can’t stand  them.

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Cade graduated Lyon College with a BA in Political Science in 2019, and has since acted as an assignment editor with The Western Journal. He is a Christian first, conservative second.
Cade graduated Lyon College with a BA in Political Science in 2019, and has since acted as an assignment editor with The Western Journal. He is a Christian first, conservative second.
BA Political Science, Lyon College (2019)

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