
Billionaire BET Founder Praises Trump, Says Dems Have 'Moved Too Far to the Left'


You know Democrats must be in trouble after Black Entertainment Television founder and Hillary Clinton supporter Robert Johnson said, without hesitation, that he wasn’t thrilled with the direction his party is headed.

According to Fox News, during an interview with CNBC’s Hadley Gamble on Tuesday, the prominent Democrat entrepreneur said, “The party, in my opinion, for me personally, has moved too far to the left.”

He called out Democrats, noting that candidates trying to out-progressive one another is a poor strategy against President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

“I think at the end of the day, if a Democrat is going to beat Trump, then that person — he or she — will have to move to the center and you can’t wait too long to do that,” Johnson said. “The message of some of the programs that Democrats are pushing are not resonating with the majority of the American people.”

“And for that reason, I don’t have a particular candidate [I’m supporting] in the party at this time,” he added.

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Later in the interview, the BET founder went on to praise some of Trump’s historic accomplishments, such as creating conditions for the economy to thrive and helping to drop black unemployment to record lows.

“I think the economy is doing great, and it’s particularly reaching populations that heretofore had very bad problems in terms of jobs and employments and the opportunities that come with employment,” Johnson said. “African-American unemployment is at its lowest level … I give the president a lot of credit for moving the economy in a positive direction that’s benefiting a large amount of Americans.”

The 73-year-old billionaire brought up the tax cuts that the Trump administration implemented in 2017 and said it was a move in the right direction for stimulating economic growth and revitalizing businesses.

“I think business people have more confidence in the way the economy is going,” Johnson said. “If business people are concerned about anything, it’s the clear, clear partisan politics that’s become very wicked and very mean.”

Is BET founder Robert Johnson right about the Democratic party?

He gave Trump a perfect “A+” on the economy — which is rare high praise from a longtime Democrat in the Trump era.

Johnson’s career is similar to Trump’s, as the entrepreneur founded BET with $150,000 loan in 1980, ultimately selling the company for $3 billion in 2001, according to CNBC.

Trump received a $1 million loan from his father and turned that initial investment into a multi-billion dollar business empire with his name emblazoned on some of the finest real estate in the world.

Johnson is spot-on about what Americans really care about when it comes to choosing candidates. They want a politician who can boost the American economy and one who lets them keep more of their hard-earned money. Trump has delivered on that and more.

With Democratic presidential candidates droning on about issues such as climate change and the LGBT movement, it’s easy to see that the left is losing its grasp on reality — which would be the issues that everyday Americans want from their government.

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Trump campaigned around these individuals — the “silent majority” and the “forgotten men and women of America” — and it’s how he came away with more than 300 electoral votes during the 2016 presidential election.

Democrats are in the midst of an identity crisis like no other time in party history. Are they a party of age-old liberalism or are they full-blown socialists? If they can’t figure themselves out soon, Trump is likely to secure another resounding victory in 2020.

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Ryan Ledendecker is a former writer for The Western Journal.
Ryan Ledendecker is a former writer for The Western Journal.
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