
Melania Trump Makes Fashion Statement at SOTU, Angers Leftists


CORRECTION, Feb. 7, 2019: This article, taking its lead from the tweets embedded and from fashion writers — including a writer for WWD who interviewed the first lady’s stylist and described the dress as black — described the dress that way. However, when compared to the clothing of others standing with Melania Trump who were wearing black, it is clear that her dress was a very dark navy blue.

In addition, on Feb. 7, published an interview with Trump’s stylist, Hervé Pierre, who indicated that the first lady’s dress wardrobe choice was not intended to send a political message, despite The Western Journal’s implications otherwise, and had in fact been chosen “a while ago.” We have added that information to the article.

We have corrected the description of the dress in our article and apologize for the error and any confusion we may have caused.

First lady Melania Trump triggered liberals once again with a fashion choice that almost seemed designed to set them off.

Overly sensitive liberals are upset about the first lady’s outfit for President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night.

The female Democratic congressional delegation attended in white in tribute to the women of the suffragette movement who won women the right to vote a century ago, as well as a gesture of solidarity on women’s issues in the contemporary world.

“Wearing suffragette white is a respectful message of solidarity with women across the country, and a declaration that we will not go back on our hard-earned rights,” Democratic Rep. Lois Frankel told CNN.

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It’s a good statement in essence, but it seems to imply that Trump has attacked women’s rights, and that’s not the case.

During the address, Trump even acknowledged the great advancements for American women over just the past year.

“No one has benefited more from our thriving economy than women, who have filled 58 percent of the newly created jobs last year,” Trump said.

The Democratic women in white applauded and smiled, including political opponents like Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib, which seemed to amuse Trump.

“You weren’t supposed to do that,” he said. “Thank you very much.”

In sharp contrast with the Democrats, the first lady wore navy blue on Tuesday and liberals aren’t happy about it.

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Several triggered leftists were quick to point out the contrasting attire on Twitter, many of them erroneously stating that the first lady’s dress was black. (In fairness, it’s a very dark dress; but if you compare it with some of the outfits worn by others near her that were clearly black, it’s easier to see that Melania Trump was in a lighter color.)

There’s no doubt it made a statement, the only question is what she was saying.

According to her stylist, the answer is simple: Nothing.

“While the commander in chief was expected to call for bipartisanship cooperation, the First Lady wasn’t subliminally casting political messages overseas with her choice of a Burberry military look,” reported in an article detailing an interview with Trump’s stylist, Hervé Pierre.

In the hot-house world of Washington, it’s virtually impossible that Melania Trump, a former fashion model, would not have been informed of the Democrats’ plans to wear white to her husband’s prime-time speech.

That means she either deliberately opted for a dark dress as a symbol of defiance — the very opposite color of what her husband’s political foes were wearing — or she simply chose to wear what she wanted and ignored the Democrat display.

Though the latter seems more likely given Pierre’s interview, I wouldn’t blame Melania for wanting to troll liberals after they’ve harshly criticized her fashion choices in the past.

Do you think liberals go out of their way to attack Melania Trump?

In October, the first lady traveled to Africa for humanitarian reasons, but the left only focused on her pith helmet. According to liberals, the fashionable helmet was offensive because some colonialists wore it in the past.

In June, Melania visited migrant children on the border in Texas, but the left overlooked her kind gesture by attacking her jacket.

After receiving so much backlash for her outfits in the past, it’s fitting that Melania made a fashion statement that liberals couldn’t ignore.

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Malachi Bailey is a writer from Ohio with a background in history, education and philosophy. He has led multiple conservative groups and is dedicated to the principles of free speech, privacy and peace.
Malachi Bailey is a writer from Ohio with a passion for free speech, privacy and peace. He graduated from the College of Wooster with a B.A. in History. While at Wooster, he served as the Treasurer for the Wooster Conservatives and the Vice President for the Young Americans for Liberty.
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