
No Surprise: MSNBC Completely Ignores Story of Illegal Immigrant Cop Killer


The murder of a legal immigrant who dedicated his life to helping others seems like just the kind of story the mainstream media would highlight — but when it comes to left-leaning MSNBC, it looks like protecting a narrative is more important than reporting the news.

Yesterday, Conservative Tribune — not to mention nearly every other news outlet — reported on police officer Cpl. Ronil Singh, a family man and respected cop who was gunned down in California.

Singh was a legal immigrant from Fiji who served as a police officer in Newman, California for nearly a decade. During what began as a routine traffic stop, a Hispanic suspect opened fire on the officer late Christmas night.

Singh didn’t survive, and the shooter managed to escape. Then a major development was announced by authorities: The suspect is an illegal immigrant who crossed the United States border unlawfully.

The murder of a cop is pretty big news, and the story was elevated to the national level when President Donald Trump posted about it and rightly tied it to the border security debate. Many news sources did their jobs by reporting the incident in detail, including the fact that the wanted suspect was an illegal alien.

But not MSNBC. As the Media Research Center pointed out on Friday, the liberal news network completely ignored the story — and more puzzling, as of this article’s publication, the slain officer’s name doesn’t even appear in a single article on their news site.

“Since news broke on Wednesday that a manhunt was under way for a man who murdered a California police officer, MSNBC has completely ignored it,” MRC’s NewsBusters confirmed.

“CNN banished it to Thursday morning’s Early Start show before picking up seven mentions on Friday while the broadcast networks and Fox News Channel have given it substantial attention,” that outlet continued.

Do you believe this blatant oversight by MSNBC was purposeful?

The longer the manhunt for the armed and dangerous cop-killer went on, the more important the story became.

“On Thursday, the morning newscasts on ABC, CBS and FNC all covered the story, and CNN’s Early Start show ran a couple of briefs at 4:50 a.m. and 5:56 a.m. Eastern, totaling a minute and 20 seconds,” stated NewsBusters.

But MSNBC? Only crickets.

“Even though President Trump tweeted in the afternoon about the involvement of an illegal immigrant, MSNBC has thus far continued to ignore the story, as of 11:00 a.m. Eastern,” explained the MRC.

Sure enough, as of Friday evening, a Google search of for the murdered officer’s name reveals … absolutely nothing.

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In comparison, even liberal CNN had 664 results for the late officer as of Friday evening. Fox News also had hundreds of results in articles and videos.

Here’s a simple question: How in the world does this happen? It seems almost impossible that a major news network ignoring one of the biggest stories of the week was an accident.

For people who hang on Donald Trump’s every word and tweet, it’s equally impossible that they didn’t notice this case getting presidential and national attention.

No, the only real explanation was that the news of a police officer, husband, and father being murdered was purposely kept off of MSNBC because it hurt their open borders narrative.

That is simply appalling — and it shows exactly why the people no longer trust the mainstream media.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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