
34-Year-Old Man Gets Brutal Courtroom Justice After Impregnating 10-Year-Old Girl


A man in Indiana almost certainly will spend the rest of his life behind bars after he was found guilty of raping a 10-year-old girl over a dozen times.

That sickening crime is bad under any circumstances, but it gets worse. According to WXIN-TV in Indianapolis, the 34-year-old criminal not only took advantage of the young girl but impregnated her last year.

The Grant County judge in the case left no room for mercy in his decision after hearing the disturbing facts in the case.

“Nicholas Deon Thrash was sentenced to total of 160 years in prison on Thursday and he will serve a minimum of 132 of those years,” WXIN reported.

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Those 16 decades of prison time — essentially a life sentence — came after a jury found Thrash guilty of 10 counts of child molestation.

The young girl became pregnant last year at the age of 10, and delivered a baby boy this last September. She was only 11 at the time of birth.

“It’s just wrong, really, it shouldn’t be happening,” Marion resident Susanna Spencer told WXIN, summarizing the shock and disbelief of many citizens.

According to a probable cause document, Thrash started raping the girl when she was 8, The Washington Post reported.

At the time, Thrash lived with his victim and her mother in Georgia, the report said. Thrash was dating the girl’s mother.

In 2016, the three moved to Indiana after police in Georgia starting investigating allegations of abuse, The Post reported. After the move, Thrash raped the girl about 15 more times, she told investigators.

The girl’s mother also was arrested, The Chronicle-Tribune of Grant County reported, identifying the woman as Jennifer Lynn Hand. She faces charges of aiding child molesting, neglect and assisting a criminal, and her trial is scheduled for Oct. 9.

Thrash admitted in court that the baby might be his, but he claimed Hand had inseminated the girl using his sperm.

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Grant County Chief Deputy Prosecutor Lisa Glancy told The Post that the girl, who is now 12, is receiving “intense treatment” at a residential facility, and the baby was put up for adoption.

“Obviously, I am extremely pleased with the sentence,” Glancy said. “One-hundred-and-sixty years is what I asked for. Based on the facts and the egregious nature of the crime, I thought it was warranted.”

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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