
Former Cop Targets Nike, Anthem Kneelers After 36th Officer Dies in the Line of Duty


Enough can’t be said about how disrespectful and thoughtless anthem protests are.

Just to clarify, I have zero issue with peaceful protests even if I disagree with the message. It’s a fundamental American right to peaceably protest.

The problem lies with what exactly the protest is aiming at.

When it comes to the disgusting anti-police rhetoric that former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick sparked when he began kneeling for the national anthem in 2016, I disagree with the message but I recognize his right to protest.

What I can never agree with is the act of protesting and kneeling during the national anthem.

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Do you think Kaepernick was a poor choice for the Nike ad?

There’s a time and a place to have an uncomfortable conversation about criminal justice reform. The national anthem is neither.

And yet, Nike put their eggs in a basket by signing Kaepernick to be the face of their 30th-anniversary advertisement.

Of note, this is just a sampling of the anti-police rhetoric Kaepernick has been peddling.

So Kaepernick believes police officers are slave-catching pigs and Nike is providing tacit approval of it.

The joint message from Nike and Kaepernick is particularly infuriating when you hear stories about the brave police officers risking their lives to keep us safe in our communities.

Case in point, Sedgwick County Deputy Robert Kunze III, 41, died on Sunday after a fatal encounter while investigating a suspicious character, Fox News reported.

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Appearing on “Fox and Friends,” former Nashville police officer Vincent Hill lamented the message Kaepernick and Nike are sending while his brothers and sisters in uniform were dying.

“What’s more tragic than that, while certain people were out on the field kneeling for the national anthem, who is kneeling for this officer?” Hill said. It’s a great point. The far-left establishment media loves to demonize police officers any time they make a mistake.

But where’s the celebratory coverage? Where’s the sorrow and anguish for fallen officers? Instead, we often get nothing more than negative coverage and sorrow reserved exclusively for people who die while in police custody.

“Police in this country do this every single day, their families do this every single day, but they’re not the spokesperson of Nike, they’re not getting million-dollar endorsements. That’s tragic that this is the world we live in right now,” Hill said.

Kunze’s tragic passing marks the 36th time this year that a police officer has died from gunfire. That number has already exceeded the 2017 total.

“That is unacceptable,” Hill said, noting that if just four more police officers die by gunfire this year, it will be the most ever recorded in history.

Fallen police officers are absolutely worth kneeling for. Not that the far-left media would ever acknowledge that.

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Bryan Chai has written news and sports for The Western Journal for more than five years and has produced more than 1,300 stories. He specializes in the NBA and NFL as well as politics.
Bryan Chai has written news and sports for The Western Journal for more than five years and has produced more than 1,300 stories. He specializes in the NBA and NFL as well as politics. He graduated with a BA in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona. He is an avid fan of sports, video games, politics and debate.
Class of 2010 University of Arizona. BEAR DOWN.
Phoenix, Arizona
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