
Watch: Rosenstein Cops Attitude During Testimony, So Gowdy Smokes Him


Congressman Trey Gowdy of South Carolina may have announced his retirement from the House, but that didn’t stop him from taking a few parting shots at the so-called “deep state” on Thursday.

During a high-strung Capitol Hill hearing that pitted frustrated Republican lawmakers against FBI director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Gowdy unleashed his legendary indignation against the two bureaucrats for perceived bias in the Trump-Russia probe that has dragged on for over a year.

Showing clear frustration for month after month of the probe into unproven collusion between Trump and Russia during the 2016 campaign, the outspoken lawmaker had a clear message for Rosenstein and his compatriots: Wrap it up, or we’ll do it for you.

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“We’ve seen the bias, we need to see the evidence,” Gowdy scolded the two officials during the House Judiciary Committee meeting.

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“If you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the Trump campaign, present it to the damn grand jury,” Gowdy continued, his patience wearing thin.

Gowdy isn’t one to mince words, and he got straight to the point in his quintessential blunt style.

“If you have evidence that this president acted inappropriately, present it to the American people … Whatever you got, finish it the hell up. Right now this country is being torn apart,” the Republican declared.

Rosenstein is the man who appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate alleged but vague wrongdoing on the part of Trump’s team during the race for the White House.

Do you believe Rosenstein is purposely dragging his feet in this case?

While the investigation has yielded precious little evidence against Trump, it has ironically revealed a treasure trove of evidence against the Department of Justice and the FBI.

For example, there are now pages and pages of publicly-released text message transcripts documenting clear bias within the FBI against Trump and in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Agents routinely referred to Clinton as “the president” before the election occurred, and expressed their disdain for both Trump and his supporters. FBI officials including Peter Strzok also declared that they would work to “stop” the new president, with the ends apparently justifying any means.

In response to Gowdy’s grilling, Rosenstein — a career un-elected bureaucrat — had mostly excuses. Taking on the role of the bullied victim, the public servant complained that his staff was doing their best despite months of having no answers.

“As with most things in Washington, the real work is not done on television and it is not all done by me,” Rosenstein said.

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“Trump administration officials are meeting and talking to your staffs every day to accommodate requests and produce relevant information to this committee, other committees, and several Senate committees,” he continued, essentially complaining that having oversight was an inconvenience.

This is what Gowdy does best: Take the outrage of the American people and focus it where it belongs, directed at the sanctimonious paper-pushers who need a reminder of who they work for. Sometimes, that’s exactly what we need.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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