
Sen. Cotton: Iranian Attack on Israel Would Be 'Miscalculation of Historic Magnitude'


Following President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement on Tuesday, fears were raised that Iran could launch an attack on Israel via the Islamic Republic’s positions in Syria in an act of retaliation.

But such a move would be a major “miscalculation” in the eyes of Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas, according to the Washington Examiner. Cotton, an Army combat veteran, has frequently taken a hard stance against the oppressive terrorist-supporting regime in Tehran.

Cotton also suggested that a strike on Israel by Iran could very well result in even more destructive retaliatory strikes launched against the regime — not just from Israel, but from the U.S. military as well.

“Let me say in unmistakable language: It would be a grave miscalculation of historic magnitude by the ayatollahs if they choose to attack Israel,” Cotton said in an official statement released Tuesday.

“The Iran nuclear deal, terribly flawed from the beginning, at best only delayed Iran from getting the bomb while handing over hundreds of billions in sanctions relief, money that Iran uses to support terrorism and build long-range missiles.”

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As to Iran’s claims that it might “jump-start” its stalled nuclear program in response to the American withdrawal from the nuclear deal, Cotton suggested that renewed economic sanctions alone might not be America’s sole reply to such activity.

“Tough sanctions are a first step toward rolling back Iran’s campaign of terror, but it won’t be the last,” he said. “If the ayatollahs rush toward the bomb, the United States must end the program once and for all.”

That threat of decisive military action on the part of the U.S. in regard to aggressive Iranian moves — both toward Israel and restarting its nuclear program — stands in stark contrast to the dithering attitude displayed far too often by the Obama administration.

Obama all but turned his back on Israel, our nation’s No. 1 ally in the Middle East, and placed it at existential risk by siding with the nuclear-ambitious Iranian regime against Israeli interests.

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Cotton, a member of the Senate Armed Services and Intelligence Committees and close ally of the Trump administration within Congress, has made it abundantly clear that those days of leaving Israel to fend for itself against its mortal enemies are over.

There is little doubt that Trump — who has made it equally clear that America will stand side-by-side with our Israeli allies — would not hesitate to take whatever actions proved necessary to defend Israel against Iranian aggression.

The senator’s stern message to Iran came as Israeli authorities placed their military forces on high alert and issued warnings to civilians living in the Golan Heights border region with Syria due to “unusual movements” by Iranian forces in Syria following Trump’s announcement.

The State Department also issued a travel warning for any Americans who may be present in that border region.

“Due to the recent tensions in the region, U.S. (government) employees are required to obtain advance approval if they wish to travel to the Golan Heights until further notice,” the State Department announced Tuesday, according to the Examiner. “Consider carefully travel to the Golan Heights until the situation stabilizes.”

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An unmistakable message has been sent to the Iranian regime about exactly where America stands in the Middle East, and they would be foolish to test our will.

Hopefully that message was received loud and clear by Iran, and no sort of military action is needed as reinforcement, as that wouldn’t work out particularly well for the mullahs in Tehran.

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Ben Marquis is a writer who identifies as a constitutional conservative/libertarian. He has written about current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. His focus is on protecting the First and Second Amendments.
Ben Marquis has written on current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. He reads voraciously and writes about the news of the day from a conservative-libertarian perspective. He is an advocate for a more constitutional government and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, which protects the rest of our natural rights. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the love of his life as well as four dogs and four cats.
The School of Life
Little Rock, Arkansas
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