
GA Gov. Candidate Issues Perfect Response to Lie That He Pointed Gun at Teen Boy


Georgia’s primary elections are May 22 and a number of Republican candidates are angling to be the voters’ choice to replace term-limited Republican Gov. Nathan Deal.

The crowded GOP field has prompted some of the candidates to portray themselves as the best defender of the Second Amendment in their ads, which of course has the anti-gun crowd freaking out — some even accusing them of committing criminal acts in their videos — though one of the candidates just told those gun grabbers to “get over it.”

Current Secretary of State Brian Kemp released an ad titled “Jake,” which features him interviewing a nervous potential suitor for one of his daughters to see if he is acceptable dating material. As Kemp and the teenage boy talk, the candidate is cleaning a double-barrel shotgun while numerous other handguns and rifles can be seen in the surrounding background.

At Kemp’s stern prodding, Jake recites the planks of the candidate’s platform — which includes a “healthy appreciation of the Second Amendment, sir” — and at the end of the video Kemp brings the barrel of the shotgun up to close the breech and says, “We’ll get along just fine,” which some firearm-ignorant people have misconstrued as loading and pointing the gun threateningly at the young man seated beside him.

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However, it’s quite obvious that the shotgun was not pointed directly at the teenager, but was instead safely aimed in front of him.

Nevertheless, The Washington Post documented the various outraged outcries against Kemp’s ad, such as the candidate was unnecessarily intimidating the young man, unsafely handling his firearms and violating the fundamental rules of gun safety — treat every gun as if it is loaded and never point it at anyone you don’t intend to shoot — or calling the ad misogynistic and claiming it trivialized domestic violence.

One of the more absurd complaints is that the ad was viewed by some as a subtle threat to the anti-gun student advocates from the Parkland, Florida, school shooting. “After all,” wrote The Post, “it aired just one state away from the Florida high school where 17 people were killed in a mass shooting.”

But according to the Gwinnett Daily Post, Kemp has not been dissuaded by those complaints from anti-gun liberals who are “losing their minds” and issued a rather stark message to those who took issue with his ad: “Get over it.”

Do you think this candidate was right to tell his critics to 'get over it'?

“Their overreaction is insane but I’m not surprised,” Kemp told supporters in an email. “These same activists freaked out during my time as Secretary of State when I sued the Obama Justice Department twice — and won — to implement our citizenship check laws and stood up to left-wing groups that wanted to undermine Georgia elections.

“Well, I have a message for folks on the left: I’m conservative. Get over it!” he said.

Kemp told his supporters that critics seem offended by everything associated with the ad.

“Most are offended by my arsenal of firearms,” he said. “Others think I’m being too protective of my daughters. Some are questioning the legitimacy of my southern drawl and a liberal lawyer/blogger is even considering a criminal investigation.”

But as anyone with even a limited knowledge of firearms who watched the video can plainly see, he never actually pointed it in an unsafe direction and there is no law (as of yet) limiting the number of firearms one person can own.

Furthermore, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being protective of one’s daughters, or having a southern drawl — unless of course one hates southerners and thinks young women should have to fend for themselves.

This candidate put together a rather humorous ad that got his message out and successfully provoked discussion of his candidacy.

That fact that he so boldly smacked down the criticisms of that ad and told the haters to “get over it” only makes it that much more effective. Good job, sir.

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Ben Marquis is a writer who identifies as a constitutional conservative/libertarian. He has written about current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. His focus is on protecting the First and Second Amendments.
Ben Marquis has written on current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. He reads voraciously and writes about the news of the day from a conservative-libertarian perspective. He is an advocate for a more constitutional government and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, which protects the rest of our natural rights. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the love of his life as well as four dogs and four cats.
The School of Life
Little Rock, Arkansas
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