
Joe Biden Goes on Al Sharpton's Show and Plays an Outrageous Race Card


Oh, Joe. Former Vice President Biden may be America’s awkwardly handsy uncle, but at least he usually managed to seem likable and noble… until now.

During a recent appearance on MSNBC, Joe Biden cut straight to race-based conspiracy theories and openly accused Republicans of wanting to end voting rights for black people.

The previous vice president was speaking to Al Sharpton, himself no stranger to racially charged accusations. When Sharpton asked Biden to address President Trump’s claim that foreigners might sometimes try to vote in U.S. elections, the ex-veep called it a “flat lie” — and then went all-in on calling conservatives racists.

“You realize just this past year, in 24 states, the administration’s allies have introduced 60 pieces of legislation or maybe 70 pieces of legislation to curtail the franchise,” Biden said. He was referring to state proposals to require identification before someone is able to vote.

But Biden didn’t stop there. “It’s what these guys are all about,” he declared. “These Republicans don’t want working class people voting. They don’t want black folks voting.” (Emphasis added.)

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Yes, in Joe Biden’s mind, the only explanation for voter I.D. laws is that conservatives just can’t stand working class people voting. Conservatives are so racist, according to the former vice president, that they’re actively trying to stop black Americans from even casting ballots.

It’s almost like he forgot that Democrats were the ones who enacted Jim Crow and opposed the Fifteenth Amendment, which helped secure black voting rights.

Biden parroted the cliched — and arguably racist — view that black Americans today are somehow unable to figure out how to obtain photo identification.

“Now, look. It’s a heck of a lot harder for that African-American or that white woman who lives in a lower middle-class neighborhood who doesn’t have an automobile, who is 68-years-old, to go get an ID card to be able to vote. Come on, man,” Biden insisted.

Have you lost respect for Joe Biden after this remark?

How does somebody go through modern life — getting a job, buying beer, opening a bank account, checking into a hotel, or even buying strong cold medicine — for 68 years without a photo I.D.? This is a mystery that Biden did not explain.

“This is all about keeping ordinary Americans from being able to vote,” he declared. “Because guess what, they don’t vote for tax cuts for the wealthy. They don’t vote for some of these crazy cockamamie things that are out there.”

Even if you accept the questionable assumption that “black folks” don’t know how to get an identification card, almost nothing else in Biden’s rant holds up to scrutiny. In fact, the same “working class people” that he thinks Republicans want to keep away from the polls helped hand the 2016 election to Donald Trump!

“According to USA Today, Trump won 51 percent of voters who had an education level of ‘high school or less,’ unlike his opponent, Hillary Clinton, who received 45 percent,” explained Independent Journal Review.

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In other words, it was working class Americans who helped flip states from blue to red. “‘Whites with no degree’ voted overwhelmingly (67 percent vs. 28 percent) for Trump over Clinton,” that outlet noted.

It isn’t the first time that Joe Biden has made sweeping and insulting racial claims against Republicans. During the 2012 election, the vice president told a crowd of largely black Americans that the GOP was “going to put you all back in chains.”

Apparently the former vice president still believes that fear mongering and race-baiting is the key to Democrat success. Hopefully, more Americans are realizing just how condescending this is, and refuse to be used as political pawns.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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