
Look Closely: Photos From 'March for Our Lives' Reveal Incredible Hypocrisy


The “March for Our Lives” protests have dominated the news and social media over the weekend… but while liberals spread an anti-gun narrative, sharp viewers noticed something shocking and hypocritical about the demonstrations.

Since the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida, the left has singled out guns as the cause of deadly crime. While declaring that the National Rifle Association — a group comprised of law-abiding gun owners — was somehow to blame for the actions of a mentally deranged murderer, activists have made their message clear: Guns are evil and need to be banned.

Those same activists sure don’t seem to understand irony. While protesters waved signs and shouted for guns to be banned, they didn’t notice one glaring detail: They were surrounded by guns and kept protected by heavily-armed men. So much for that narrative!

TheBlaze was one of several outlets that noticed the serious disconnect between the narrative and reality. On Saturday, they shared a photo of anti-gun protesters being protected by — gasp! — a large man carrying an “evil” AR-15.

The irony didn’t stop there. Countless photos of the supposedly “anti-gun” rallies showed security personnel and officers with all types of firearms, from AR rifles to handguns… and even actual military equipment showed up to keep the marchers safe.

Think about that: They literally brought out the big guns to protect people… protesting guns.

Some commentators, including Jack Posobiec, went out of their way to thank armed law enforcement officers for providing security, subtly pointing out the incongruity.

It would be one thing of these protests were intended to call for all possible solutions to stop school violence, including using armed and trained citizens or properly-equipped security to make classrooms less soft targets for criminals.

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But make no mistake: Blaming guns and trying desperately to ban them is definitely the agenda that was on display.

Here’s what David Hogg, one of the Parkland students who has become famous for his media rants and psychopath-like stare, recently said about law-abiding gun owners who are members of the NRA. “They’re pathetic f***rs that want to keep killing our children.”

“They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see those dollar signs.” This is the left’s voice of common sense and reason?

Or how about Emma Gonzalez, another young person who has become a media favorite for spewing anti-gun hype? “I don’t really care what people who defend the Second Amendment have to say,” she recently declared.

They “don’t care” about the Second Amendment — part of the U.S. Constitution and the highest law in America — and smear lawful gun owners as having “blood splattered” on their faces. Meanwhile, they’re protected by good men with guns, and are either too dense or too deceptive to notice.

A false narrative is being spread, with the agenda of painting American gun owners as evil. It’s time to call out what is happening, because freedoms that are lost are not easily recovered.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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