
DREAMers Go Rogue... Trash Democrat Party in Unprecedented Move


Playing identity politics is a risky game. The Democrat Party no doubt thought it could snag easy votes by pandering to the largely Latino population of “Dreamers” … but the left’s eagerness to blame Republicans for every problem is now causing many in that community to reject liberal promises.

During a recent appearance on Fox News, an illegal immigrant and participant in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program named Cata Santiago had harsh words for Democrats and their inability to work with President Donald Trump and GOP lawmakers.

“They don’t walk their talk,” declared the 20-year-old immigrant, who is a Mexican citizen but was taken to the U.S. by her parents when she was only 8.

Trump moved to end the Obama-enacted DACA program after it had been repeatedly extended, based primarily on the argument that, according to the U.S. Constitution, important immigration rules should be passed by Congress instead of created by executive action.

Trump gave lawmakers half a year to pass a permanent solution and said that he would sign it when it reached his desk. A bipartisan bill never materialized.

Santiago slammed the left for constantly pointing fingers at conservatives while doing next to nothing to actually build a path to citizenship.

“We’re tired of it. We’re tired of believing them when they say ‘It’s the Republicans.’ They make promises when they’re in an election, and when it’s over they’re done and don’t do anything,” she stated.

A recently uncovered memo from within the Democrat Party revealed that the party was worried about gaining votes from Hispanics and saw Dreamers as “a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”

Many observers interpreted this as an admission that liberals were defending DACA for votes, not for ideological reasons.

Did Democrats drop the ball by failing to compromise on DACA?

Other immigrants also echoed Santiago’s rejection of Democrat politics.

“The Democrats made the calculation to kick the can down the road and allow hundreds of thousands of us undocumented youth to live in uncertainty,” pointed out Maria Duarte, who was part of a sit-in protest at DNC headquarters. “We are anxious and we are scared of being torn away from our homes and our community.”

Even strong advocates of the DACA program are voicing their frustration over Democrats falling on their face when it came to finding a solution for so-called “Dreamers.”

“Democrats have no plan, and once again, Schumer, now the minority leader, is showing that protecting these immigrants … was never his priority,” complained Cesar Vargas, a pro-amnesty immigration attorney.

“The lack of leadership by Democrats, however, is nothing new. In 2009, they controlled the White House and Congress and still failed to bring up immigration reform for a vote,” Vargas pointed out.

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He’s not wrong. You could even say that “complain and blame Republicans” has been the de facto Democrat playbook since the Clinton era. As the old saying goes, you can’t fool all of the people all of the time … and even Dreamers may have run out of sympathy for leftist excuses.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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