
Video Goes Viral after Two Would-Be Thugs Hilariously Botch Break-In


When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

When you have a brick, everything looks like a glass window… even your partner-in-crime.

That’s an adage one thug found to be true when he and an accomplice attempted to break into a Shanghai, China, warehouse on Feb. 14.

The robbery failed moments after it began when the thug accidentally nailed his friend with the brick he was trying to use to break the building’s window, according to the U.K. Daily Mail.

The two inept criminals can be seen on a security camera feed, approaching a building with bricks in hand.

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Thug #1 throws his brick and then attempts to run out out of the way so Thug #2 has a clear shot.

Unfortunately, he runs right into the path of Thug #2’s brick instead, and winds up getting clobbered in the head.

He drops, well, like a brick, and Thug #2 has the good sense, at least, to drag his accomplice away — presumably to a waiting vehicle — instead of fleeing the scene and leaving him to his fate.

A surprisingly wise choice, considering that had Thug #1 regained consciousness in police custody, he may have decided to rat out his compatriot in retribution for being left behind to take the fall.

See the hilarious footage here:


According to The Daily Mail, the video of these bumbling criminals went viral after the Shanghai Police Department posted it to Chinese social-media site Weibo, dryly commenting, “If thieves are at this level, the police will not have to work overtime.”

Do you think this experience will cause these thugs to change their ways?
The video has been viewed on Weibo over 15 million times, and it has gone viral on American social media as well.

Reportedly, the two would-be thieves have not yet been apprehended, and the condition of the injured burglar is unknown. But the whole incident proves the United States doesn’t have a monopoly on less-than-brilliant criminals.

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Hopefully, this experience will teach the two thugs that crime doesn’t pay — and, in fact, it could lead to a rather nasty headache, if not a concussion.

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