
Tlaib Uses 1st Interview After Declining Israel Invite To Attack Trump: 'He's Afraid of Women of Color'


Calling President Donald Trump a white supremacist, Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan said in a recent interview that Trump is afraid of the progressive contingent who have dubbed themselves “the squad.”

Tlaib — who heaped invective upon Trump in her first moments in office saying she would “impeach the motherf—er” — spoke in an interview with The Guardian. It was one of her first major interviews since she decided to abandon her plans to travel to Israel after Israel reversed its initial decision not to allow her to visit family in the Occupied Territories.

Tlaib said that Trump is afraid of women, such as the legislators of “the squad,” that includes Democratic Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez of New York as well as Tlaib.

“It’s been very clear to me, especially this last week, that he’s scared of us,” Tlaib said. “He’s afraid of women of color … because we’re not afraid of him and we’re not afraid to speak up and say that we have a white supremacist in the White House who has a hate agenda.”

“He’s afraid because we have a real agenda for the American people,” she added.

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Tlaib said Trump is welcome to fight “the squad,” but insisted that the American people are on her side.

“He can bring it because we actually have policies that came from the people. What he’s doing by choosing us four as his target is trying to distract folks from the fact that more people are living in poverty than ever, because he has failed as a president,” she said.

Tlaib also said impeaching Trump should be put on the fast track, regardless of whether action by the House results in Trump being removed. The way impeachment works is that the House files what amounts to an indictment against a president who then is tried on those charges by the Senate.

The House’s Democratic leadership has opposed impeachment, while progressives have clamored for it.

Does Rep. Rashida Tlaib annoy you?

“Why not pass it, send it to the Senate and let them deal with the millions of Americans who are on our door saying ‘Do something,’” Tlaib said.

Tlaib also issued a call for unity.

“I really believe that when we work together, we can defeat this type of hate and the attacks on our families — not just racism, but systemic oppression,” she said. “All of that can be knocked down if we come together, because there’s more of us than them.”

On Friday, Tlaib was the recipient of a dare from HBO host Bill Maher to appear on his show to talk about the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, which Maher had scorned the week before, leading Tlaib to attack him on Twitter, Fox News reported.

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In addition to a Twitter reply, Maher had one on his show.

“We’ve invited her onto this show, I hope she comes,” Maher said. “But you know, if you come on this show, then you actually have to defend your point as opposed to this one go-to that so many people seem to have today, which is just go away because then you don’t have to argue, you don’t have to defend your point of view. Just go away, boycott, you’re bad, too evil to talk to and I’m too good to talk to you.”

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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