Lifestyle & Human Interest

Famed Pastor Dr. Tony Evans Asks for Prayers After Discovering Wife's Cancer Has Returned


Dr. Tony Evans is continuing to ask for prayers after he and his wife, Lois, discovered that her gallbladder cancer has returned.

The senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, a megachurch in Dallas, first shared the heartbreaking news with his Instagram followers on April 2, 2019.

He said that the doctor found the cancerous cells during one of her routine scans.

“We need God to intervene as we continue our search for an effective treatment,” he wrote. “We are going to trust God in the dark for a solution, and we are asking you to fervently pray to that end.”

The crushing news came about eight months after Dr. Evans’ niece, Wynter Evans Pitts, unexpectedly passed away in late July, leaving the family to lean on their faith more than ever before.

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“I do believe she’s in a better place. I do believe in the sovereignty of God. I do believe in the goodness of God,” he said after Wynter’s death.

“There’s a belief intact that I’m wrapped around because I don’t know where I would be with all of the situations in life if I didn’t have an anchor.”

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When Dr. Evans shared that Lois’ cancer had returned, he recognized that his family had already been dealing with a considerable amount of grief.

Despite it all, he and his family are continuing to trust in God’s goodness.

“My faith is being tested in a way I’ve never experienced,” he wrote. “But I trust God. I choose to believe — our whole family is choosing to believe that, even now, He knows what He is doing.”

He also said that the joy of the Lord and prayers from other believers are keeping them strong during such heartbreaking situations.

A few weeks later, Dr. Evans gave an update on his wife’s health and happily reported that, despite her grim diagnosis, she was not feeling any pain.

He likened their current situation to a storm.

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“When there’s a storm,” he wrote on April 25th. “You tune in to whoever has the information on what you need to do in the midst of bad weather. You turn on the radio, flip on the TV, or scroll through social media to get the information you need to stay informed and to stay safely out of harm’s way.”

“Since our situation is probably the most difficult storm we have ever faced, in the same way, we choose to pay attention to God’s voice.”

Dr. Evans also recognized that the time they have spent in waiting rooms and doctor’s offices is a gift and an opportunity to grow their faith in God.

He also thanked everyone who has prayed and sent notes of encouragement and even shared an address that cards and letters could be sent to.

“Please continue to pray,” he wrote. “We need your prayers. Lois’s illness is rare and has no known cure. But we wanted you to know that she is doing well and that we are looking up and expecting God to do a miracle.”

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Kayla has been a staff writer for The Western Journal since 2018.
Kayla Kunkel began writing for The Western Journal in 2018.
Lifetime Member of the Girl Scouts
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