
13-Year-Old Already Rich and Supporting Entire Family with Her Incredible Artwork


When you think of a 13-year-old, what do you think of? A kid obsessed with their phone, getting into trouble, or being generally immature?

Many 13-year-olds are rambunctious and not exactly contributing to society. But Akiane Kramerik is beyond gifted and has devoted herself to her craft.

As a very young girl, Akiane showed a knack for drawing. At just 5 years old, she was sketching more accurately than many adults.

She didn’t have the most renowned teachers or the most privileged beginning. According to her website, her mother gave birth to her in a shack, without any assistance.

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Her father was ill for years. They were poor and had none of the everyday amenities we’ve grown so used to — until her mother started a business and began to sell edible algae.

Eventually they made enough money to move into a beautiful home and their quality of life improved.

An intensely creative child, Akiane recalls having vivid visions and dreams that she would describe, in detail, to her mother. One day, though, when she was only 5, she says that she disappeared.

“Hundreds of vehicles in our small town were stopped for inspection, and my photograph was distributed throughout all local dispatches,” her website reads. “I was able to see exactly how many police officers, state troopers, firemen, search dogs and neighbors were looking for me because of a suspected kidnapping, however nobody could see me. That’s right. Nobody. It was as if, temporarily, I was off a radar.”

Akiane reappeared after several hours. “Neither my family, nor the officers, nor I could comprehend what had really happened, nor did we discuss it any more as it carried rather distressing and inexplicable association,” she wrote on her website.

After she reappeared, her creativity exploded. She painted on any surface she could get her hands on — mainly surfaces in the home that she shouldn’t have been painting on. But as she grew, her skills developed with the careful coaching of her mother, who had quit her own work to begin homeschooling.

Akiane began dabbling in oil paints, and at just 8 years old created a painting that has since rocked the artistic world. Many people who have seen “Prince of Peace” have said that it looks just like what they believe Jesus really looked like.

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Her website also states that she’s been making a lot of money since she was 8 years old and she is “considered as the youngest binary prodigy in both realistic art and poetry in the recorded history.”

“The works Akiane created at the age of eight reached and exceeded the maturity level of a seasoned artist. No other known child art prodigy has ever created at the level of such sophistication as Akiane. As the world’s most successful visual art child prodigy, Akiane was inducted into the Richest Kids-Entrepreneurs of America, the Kids Hall Of Fame, and World Council for Gifted and Talented Children. ‘My sight cannot wait for me’, Akiane’s first original painting was sold for $10,000 USD when she was only eight.”

But now they go for up to $300,000. She’s such a prolific painter and so extremely talented that her family is all pitching in to help run her business. They even just bought a new home valued at a million dollars.

Some take issue with the fact that Akiane spends all of her time painting and pursuing what catches her interest or claim that her family is “using” her for their own advantage, but her talent seems to dictate her actions.

“Being the main money-maker in the house is a great responsibility, but actually, when I paint I just don’t feel like I’m making money, I’m making the business, but it just feels like I’m having fun with the painting,” she said in an interview.

Whatever your position on her lifestyle and experiences, you have to admit that this young lady is exceptionally talented.

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