
Mom Still Goes on Vacation After Discovering 3rd Trimester Pregnancy. Cramps Begin in Germany


Tia Freeman, a U.S. Air Force computer specialist, walked past the mirror one day after showering. She had put on some weight.

Yet, the changing shape of her stomach did not resemble that of somebody who simply was gaining weight. It looked like a baby bump.

“I had been gaining a little weight, but I didn’t gain much, maybe 20 pounds. But I noticed it started to round out more — and I was like, dear god, I really hope I’m not pregnant,” Freeman told PEOPLE.

By the time she took a pregnancy test to confirm her suspicion that she was pregnant, she was already in her third trimester.

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Twitter users were shocked when Freeman decided to share her unique birth story on the platform. She explained she was in denial when she found out she was pregnant.

“So I had already purchased tickets for a vacay in Germany and ya girl was not about to waste international flight money. So I was like if the boy comes on time I should be all good in the hood,” Freeman wrote on Twitter.

Her due date was not clear, so she made the decision to board her first flight booked for her vacation hoping she would enjoy her time in Germany before the baby arrived. On the 14-hour flight to Istanbul, passengers were served a complementary meal.

Though Freeman is a vegetarian, she could not go without eating for such an extended period of time while pregnant, so she accepted the salmon. Painful cramps struck her abdomen after eating the meal, so she told herself she had food poisoning.

As you may have guessed, the salmon was not to blame. Freeman’s labor started on the plane and became more painful as she entered the airport for her 17-hour layover in Istanbul.

She barely made her way through customs, and after arriving in her hotel room, she was sure she was in labor. She gathered towels and filled up the tub with warm water.

Freeman wrote, “So I’m in a foreign country, where no one speaks english, I don’t know this country’s emergency number, & I have no clue what to do…So in true millennial form I decided to Youtube it.”

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Her son was born in the bathtub of the hotel room in Istanbul. Freeman then looked up how to birth the placenta and cut the cord herself.

She managed to clean up the room and sleep for the night with her new baby. The next day the pair took a cab back to the airport.

Turkish Airlines bought her son his first real newborn outfit and made sure they arrived at the U.S. embassy with a translator to get the newborn baby a birth certificate.

“Because I gave them so much publicity Turkish Airlines paid for my hotel stay for two weeks, comped all my meals, upgrade @BBills_ & my return flights to business class and we enjoyed the lavish business lounge,” Freeman explained.

Now, that’s a birth story unlike any other!

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Carolyn Fultz is a former contributor for Liftable Media. She holds a B.A. in Communication from Hope College.
Carolyn Fultz is a former contributor for Liftable Media. She holds a B.A. in Communication from Hope College. Carolyn's writing has been featured in both online and print media, including Just Between Us magazine. She resides in Phoenix with her husband and children.
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