Lifestyle & Human Interest

68-Year-Old Mother Makes 'Monster' Catch During Fishing Trip Weighing 130 Pounds


“Beginner’s luck” certainly seems to be a thing. You can train and become a true expert on something, and then someone else with far less experience and seeming talent waltzes in and beats you at your own game.

It can be maddening to people who devote themselves to a goal, whether that be in sports or any other field, to see someone achieve something that they’ve longed for.

But it shows true grace and depth of character to recognize an accomplishment, no matter how frustrating it may personally be to someone.

Take Sue Elcock, for example. A diminutive woman at just two inches over five feet tall, who recently went on a deep sea fishing trip with her son.

At 68, the U.K. resident was out to visit family, her son Simon and his wife Michelle. Not an avid fisher, the biggest catch she’d landed had been a 1-foot-long snapper.

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“Simon is an experienced sea angler and I have been out with him before when I have been visiting he and Michelle,” she said.

But it wasn’t long before she had a bite: “The biggest fish I’ve caught before was a snapper about a foot long and when this one took the bait on the bottom the tug on the line didn’t seem much.”

“I just couldn’t believe the size of it when it reared its head out the water. It was the size of a sofa,” Elcock said.

And it was a huge fish. A monster, really, and the largest fish that had ever been caught on the boat.

The retiree modestly admitted she was just along to keep her son company, and seemed surprised by the huge bass grouper that she had managed to snag with her son’s electric reel.

Hauling the fish on board must have been a struggle in itself — there was no way Elcock would have been able to do it on her own — the fight to bring the fish to the boat alone took nearly an hour.

But when they managed to wrangle it and get it on the boat, it measured a full two inches longer than Elcock was tall. She’d caught a fish larger than herself!

“Someone said you would need an awful lot of chips to go with a fish like that,” said Elcock. “But I’ve helped cut him up and get all that fish into the freezer. Simon and Michelle will be enjoying fish barbies for months when I’m long back in the U.K.”

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“Mum caught a giant fish and I was thrilled for her,” Simon said. “The photo of her holding the fish is one to treasure.”

This is one fish tale that has to be seen to be believed, but doesn’t need flattering angles to make the catch look bigger than it is.

This memory will surely stay on in the family, perhaps with a little gentle ribbing every time mom reminds her son of her catch. But this family looks like they know how to have fun.

If this isn’t encouragement to go out and try something new, something outside of your comfort zone, I don’t know what is!

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