
Woman Tries to Return Christmas Tree at Costco... in January.


After Thanksgiving, I always look forward to putting up the Christmas tree and arranging the ornaments. I love the festive and cozy feel a brightly lit tree brings to the home in December.

By January, I’m ready to take down the ornaments and tree.

It’s never crossed my mind to return a dead Christmas tree simply because I was done with it, though.

This guy wins the Costco Returns Championship. Successfully returned a real Christmas tree after the holidays. from pics

Apparently, that is exactly what a woman tried to do at a Costco in Santa Clarita, California.

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Imgur user JRD761 posted a screenshot of a Facebook post written by a witness to this surprisingly successful return.

The Facebook poster wrote, “Woman in line at Costco, totally nonchalant, to return her Christmas Tree “because it was dead” on January 4th…If I didn’t see it, I wouldn’t believe that someone had so little moral values or lack of conscience.”

The witness who originally posted the story on a local Facebook group did consider why the woman would go through the time and hassle to return a huge Christmas tree.

He realized she probably needed the money.

But, he said the woman “lost all self respect and dignity for it.” Reflecting back, the witness wished he hadn’t taken so much offense to the situation.

“I would have tried to talk to her to find out what was going on. Makes me sad and sorry,” he wrote.

The woman was refunded for the dead Christmas tree after it was verified that she did purchase the tree at Costco.

However, she was “shamed” for doing so.

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JRD761 disagreed with the original poster of the story. The Imgur user didn’t believe returning a dead Christmas tree was a moral issue.

Rather, JRD761 found it “absolutely hilarious” that it was accepted by Costco as a returnable item. Who knew you could return a tree!

Another Facebook user, Daniel Williams, witnessed a person returning a Christmas tree at Costco after Christmas.

A woman at Costco told him about 10 people a day return Christmas trees after Christmas, so this may be more common than we think!

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Carolyn Fultz is a former contributor for Liftable Media. She holds a B.A. in Communication from Hope College.
Carolyn Fultz is a former contributor for Liftable Media. She holds a B.A. in Communication from Hope College. Carolyn's writing has been featured in both online and print media, including Just Between Us magazine. She resides in Phoenix with her husband and children.
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