
Stranger Pays for Little Girl's Birthday Cake. Then They Read Note from Grieving Mother


A birthday is a time to celebrate life. For children, parties are typically spent surrounded by family and friends.

But a birthday can also be a time of grief and sadness for those whose lives were cut short.

Kyle Jauregui and his family learned this when they went to pick-up his 11-year-old sister’s birthday cake.

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“So today is my sister’s birthday,” Jauregui shared on Twitter, “and when we went to pick up her cake someone had already paid for it.”

Of course, this seemed like a lovely gesture for his little sister, Madison. But the person who did it was a complete stranger to them.

So, why would a stranger pay for a birthday cake for someone they didn’t know?

“It was left with this card… my family was left speechless…” he added. You see, this stranger was actually a mother.

The mother, Ashley Jodell, was still grieving the loss of her daughter, McKenna, who would’ve been 10 years old but instead tragically passed away nine years ago. Since that time, she has been purchasing a cake each year for an unsuspecting family in McKenna’s honor.

random act of kindness that is filled with sorrow, hope, and love.

“…because I am unable to buy my daughter a cake of her own,” the note inside the card read. “Today is her big double digit birthday. Please enjoy your day.” Signed with a heart, from McKenna’s mom.

Inside was also a business-sized card from the MISSFoundation which is responsible for The Kindness Project. The project began in 1996 by Dr. Joanne Cacciatore as a way for families to honor children in their family that have passed away.

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The project offers free printable cards that people can include in their child’s honor when an random act of kindness is done. Since its inception, millions of cards have been used all over the globe.

And on this particular day, Madison was a lucky recipient of one for her birthday.

Since big brother shared the photos and story, it’s gone viral and touched the hearts of thousands with emotional responses. Mostly tears and others leaving sweet messages back for the little “birthday angel” that inspired the sweet gesture to begin with.

“… we just want to say thank you to McKenna’s mom and wish McKenna a Happy Birthday,” Jauregui ended in his post. “There still good in this world.”

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Keeley is a former contributor to The Western Journal.
Keeley is a former contributor to The Western Journal.

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